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Category: Warehousing

Finding Duplicates in Type 2 SCDs

Dinesh Asanka wants to verify some Type 2 slowly changing dimension results:

As we discussed in a previous article, Implementing Slowly Changing Dimensions (SCDs) in Data Warehouses, there are three main types of slowly changing dimensions, such as Type 1, Type 2, and Type 3. Out of these Type 1 is the simple dimension where you will simply maintain only the latest version of the attribute. For example, if the employee got promoted to Senior Software Engineer from Software Engineer, you will simply overwrite the existing value to the new value so that the historical aspect is lost.

Type 2 Slowly Changing Dimensions are used to track historical data in a data warehouse. This is the most common approach in dimension. This article uses a sample database of AdventureworksDW which is the sample database for the data warehouse.

Click through for one way to compare, one which you could build using dynamic SQL.

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Optimizing Hive Performance with Tez

Jay Desai has some recommendations around tuning Tez queries:

Tuning Hive on Tez queries can never be done in a one-size-fits-all approach. The performance on queries depends on the size of the data, file types, query design, and query patterns. During performance testing, evaluate and validate configuration parameters and any SQL modifications. It is advisable to make one change at a time during performance testing of the workload, and would be best to assess the impact of tuning changes in your development and QA environments before using them in production environments. Cloudera WXM can assist in evaluating the benefits of query changes during performance testing.

Click through for several configuration and query considerations.

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Things Not to Include in Data Warehouses

Erik Darling compiles a list:

This is a list of things I see in data warehouses that make me physically ill:

– Unique constraints of any kind: Primary Keys, Indexes, etc. Make things unique during your staging process. Don’t make your indexes do that work.

Read on for the full list. I agree with everything except clustered row-store indexes. Those make a lot of sense on dimension tables, tied to the Kimball-style surrogate keys you create in the warehouse itself.

The other part I disagree with is non-clustered columnstore indexes, which I’ve rarely found good use for. Clustrered columnstore indexes are outstanding but the non-clustered variety…meh at best. This answer comes primarily because the pattern I tend to use for warehouse queries is to drive from the fact table, aggregate as much as I can there, and connect to the dimensions for further information at the end. If your warehouse access patterns differ radically from this, you might get more out of non-clustered columnstore indexes. Maybe.

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S3 and Redshift Data Movement with Role Chaining

Sudipta Mitra, et al, talk AWS security:

This post presents an approach that you can apply at scale to achieve fine-grained access controls to resources in S3 buckets and Amazon Redshift schemas for tenants, including groups of users belonging to the same business unit down to the individual user level. This solution provides tenant isolation and data security. In this approach, we use the bridge model to store data and control access for each tenant at the individual schema level in the same Amazon Redshift database. We utilize ASSUMEROLE and role chaining to provide fine-grained access control when data is being copied and unloaded between Amazon Redshift and Amazon S3, so the data flows within each tenant’s namespace. Role chaining also streamlines the new tenant onboarding process.

Read on for an overview and tutorial.

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Understanding the Data Lakehouse

Tom Jordan explains what data lakehouses are:

When we are thinking about data platforms, there are many different services and architectures that can be used – sometimes this can be a bit overwhelming! Data warehouses, data models, data lakes and reports are all typical components of an enterprise data platform, which have different uses and skills required. However, in the past few years a new architecture has been rising; the data lakehouse. This is an architecture that borrows ideas and concepts from several different areas, which we will be exploring in greater detail in this blog.

Click through to learn more about the origin of this term and how it draws + differs from both a data lake and a data warehouse.

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Role-Based Access Controls in Redshift

Milind Oke, et al, describe RBAC in Amazon Redshift:

Amazon Redshift is a fully managed, petabyte-scale data warehouse service in the cloud. With Amazon Redshift, you can analyze all your data to derive holistic insights about your business and your customers. One of the challenges with security is that enterprises don’t want to have a concentration of superuser privileges amongst a handful of users. Instead, enterprises want to design their overarching security posture based on the specific duties performed via roles and assign these elevated privilege roles to different users. By assigning different privileges to different roles and assigning these roles to different users, enterprises can have more granular control of elevated user access.

In this post, we explore the role-based access control (RBAC) features of Amazon Redshift and how you can use roles to simplify managing privileges required to your end-users. We also cover new system views and functions introduced alongside RBAC.

Read on to learn about system-defined roles as well as creating user-customizable roles.

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Lakehouse, Mesh, and Fabric

James Serra is back in blue:

(NOTE: I have returned to Microsoft and am working as a Solution Architect in Microsoft Industry Solutions, formally known as Microsoft Consulting Services (MCS), where I help customers build solutions on Azure. Contact your Microsoft account executive for more info. That being said: the views and opinions in this blog are mine and not that of Microsoft).

There certainly has been a lot of discussion lately on the topic of Data Lakehouse, Data Mesh, and Data Fabric, and how they compare to the Modern Data Warehouse. There is no clear definition of all these data architectures, and I have created a presentation using my own take that I have been presenting frequently internally at Microsoft and externally to customers and at conferences. Hopefully these presentations, blog posts, and videos can help clarify all these data architectures for you:

Click through for several useful resources to help differentiate these topics.

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get_json_object and json_tuple in Hive

The Hadoop in Real World team looks at a pair of Hive functions:

Both get_json_object and json_tuple functions in Hive are meant to work with JSON data in Hive. 

Let’s create a table with some JSON data to work with. We have created a table named hirw_courses and loaded the below JSON text into the table.

Click through for that script as well as seeing how you use each of get_json_object() and json_tuple() and which might be better-suited for your purposes.

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