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Month: March 2023

Join Operations in BigQuery

Rathish Kumar joins a few tables together:

SQL joins are used to combine columns from multiple tables to get desired result set. In a typical Relational model we use normalized tables, each table represents an entity (example: employee, department, etc) and its relationships and when we need to get data from more than one tables, for example employee name and employee department, we use joins to combine employee name column from employee table, department name column from department table based on employee number key column, which is available on both the tables.

Similarly, typical data warehouse setup follows Star or Snowflake schema consisting of a primary fact table and satellite dimension tables. Fact tables represents events (example: orders table in a ecommerce business) and dimension table represents attributes and slowly changing information (example: customer, product tables).

The syntax is rather similar to most database engines, though there are a few physical join operators which differ from typical relational database management systems. Also, I’ll take this moment to say thank you to Rathish for not using Venn diagrams to show joins and instead using a proper technique.

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Tracking Change Events in Snowflake

Kevin Wilkie shows off an interesting window function:

Notice that it has the OVER operator, you can order the data, and even partition the data as needed (Not seen in this example)!

But, as usual with Snowflake, there are even more functions we can work with! Sometimes, you just need to know when items are changed. Enter the CONDITIONAL_CHANGE_EVENT windowing function!

Click through for an example of how CONDITIONAL_CHANGE_EVENT() works.

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Finding Columnstore Index Storage and Memory Allocations

Jose Manuel Jurado Diaz has a few scripts for us:

Today, we got a new question how much is the size used by a columnstore index table at storage level and memory usage.

TSQL to obtain the total number of rows, size per schema, table and index.

Using the view sys.column_store_row_groups (Transact-SQL) – SQL Server | Microsoft Learn we could see the total number of rows and space usage at storage level.

Click through for that script, as well as a few more to learn how much space and memory that columnstore index is taking.

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Storing the Basis of Calculations, Not Results

Vladimir Khorikov hits on a topic of particular interest:

On the front-end, the duration is represented as 1h 47m. But how should we store it in our database? What data type should we use?

We could keep the duration as a 1h 47m string, just as we render it on the screen, but what if we later decide to change the string format? We might need to display it as 1:47 or 107 minutes instead. Do we then parse all the existing strings and convert them into a new format?

I like the thrust of this article. Two things I think people forget about in data modeling are ledgers and events, instead trying to store the results of these. Ledgers and events can be slower—though there are things we can do to pre-calculate more user-friendly results and speed up the process—but they provide you auditability, flexibility in how you want to calculate and display the information, and the ability to correct errors over time.

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SQL Alerts on Potential Attacks

David Fowler keeps his head on a swivel:

But let’s be honest, the above attacks are just going to be opportunistic hackers probably using an automated tool to hunt out open servers and try to exploit them, a bit like the guy walking down the road and trying all the car doors in the hope that someone will have left their unlocked. It someone’s specifically targeting your servers, the chances are that they’ll be a bit more sophisticated.

This is where things get a little more troublesome and where SQL doesn’t really give us any tools to help.

But there are warning signs that we can look out for and these can be certain error messages in the logs. There are three in particular that I see as red flags that something amiss may be going on.

Click through for those three warning signs and how you an create SQL Server alerts upon logging these messages. The errors aren’t guaranteed to be an attacker, though in reading them, I’d expect a high signal to noise ratio on them.

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Testing Performance of File Formats in R

Steven Sanderson performs some tests:

We can save the generated matrix in different file formats using different functions in R. Here are the functions we will use for each file format:

  • CSV: write.csv()
  • RDS: saveRDS()
  • FST: write_fst()
  • Arrow: write_feather()

Steve then has a follow-up around compressed data:

In this post I create a square matrix and then convert it to a data.frame (2,000 rows by 2,000 columns) and then saved it as a gz compressed csv file. The benchmark compares different R packages and functions, including base Rdata.tablevroom, and readr, and measures their relative speeds based on the time it takes to read in the .csv.gz file.

There’s not a direct comparison between the two posts, as the second matrix is larger than the first, though even with that caveat in mind, this post lets you see how much extra processing occurs to gunzip the data before reading it.

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Generating Artificial Data in Databricks

Ben Hazan needs some fake data:

While attending the SQLBits 2023, I took part in André Kamman’s session about “Generate test data quick, easy and lots of it with the Databricks Labs Data Generator”.

In this blog, I will share with you my insights about the DataBricks Data Generator library and I’ll give an example.

Synthetic data is a valuable resource for data scientists, engineers, and analysts who need to test, benchmark, or demonstrate their solutions without compromising sensitive or confidential information. However, generating realistic and relevant synthetic data can be challenging and time-consuming.

That’s why Databricks Labs has developed a Python library called dbldatagen that can help you create large-scale synthetic data sets using Spark.

Click through to learn more about the library and see how you can use to to generate arbitrary amounts of artificial data following certain constraints.

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Accelerated Database Recovery in SQL Server 2022

Perry Skountrianos takes us through some recent changes:

In SQL Server 2019 (15.x), the ADR cleanup process is single threaded within a SQL Server instance. Beginning with SQL Server 2022 (16.x), this process uses multi-threaded version cleanup (MTVC), that allows multiple databases under the same SQL Server instance to be cleaned in parallel.

MTVC is enabled by default in SQL Server 2022 and uses one thread per SQL instance.

Read on to see how you can change that, as well as additional product updates.

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Rewriting Scalar UDFs and NULL Results

Erik Darling jumps out of the time machine to warn us, but we have no idea what he’s talking about so we ignore the warning and end up doing the thing he warned us not to do, causing us to need to send him into a time machine to warn us not to do it:

I think I have probably spent 500 hours of my life rewriting T-SQL Scalar UDFs to avoid all the performance problems associated with them.

The obvious choice is the Inline Table Valued Function, which has fewer performance issues baked in. For the kids out there: they don’t spill trauma.

But getting the rewrite right can be tricky, especially when it’s possible for the function to return NULL values.

Click through for the example.

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