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Day: March 24, 2023

Testing Message Ordering in Kafka

Francesco Tisiot puts a claim to the test:

One of Apache Kafka®’s most known mantras is “it preserves the message ordering per topic-partition”, but is it always true? In this blog post we’ll analyze a few real scenarios where accepting the dogma without questioning it could result in unexpected, and erroneous, sequences of messages.

There’s a lot more to this than I realized, and Francesco does a great job of explaining it.

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Alt Text in R

Nicola Rennie looks at different ways to incorporate alt text in R-based images:

Alt text (short for alternative text) is text that describes the appearance and purpose of an image. Alt text has multiple purposes, the main one being that it aids visually impaired users to better understand your content when the alt text is read aloud by screen readers. Alt text is also used in place of an image if it fails to load, which means that users with poor internet connection are more likely to be able to engage with your content.

The ggplot2 example was an interesting one, as I hadn’t ever added alt text to an image there.

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Model Deployment using Azure Functions

Alexander Billington needs to get that new model out:

Deploying machine learning (ML) models into production can be challenging, as it requires careful consideration of various factors such as scalability, reliability, and maintainability. While developing an ML model is an exciting process, deploying it into production can be a daunting task. The challenges faced in productionising data science projects can range from infrastructure to version control, model monitoring to integration with other systems. This blog will take a look at how Azure Functions can simplify the deployment process, getting models into production quickly and robustly to maximise their value.

I like this approach and find it interesting, as most of the time, the MLOps model Microsoft recommends has you scheduling Azure DevOps pipelines / GitHub Actions periodically or when new training data hits a specific folder. If you have some non-standard trigger for an action, this is a good way to get you going.

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Collaborating with External Individuals in Power BI

Marc Lelijveld talks to the outside world:

Let’s imagine you’re running a (fictive) company, and you’re short on data & analytics experts. Therefore, you decide to in hire expertise, and they will help you build your Power BI reports. As an employee of this organization, you rather have them starting sooner than later. But… if you need to request accounts for them at your IT organization, this might take weeks, if not a month to properly setup and run through this process. But what alternatives do you have?

In this blog I will further elaborate on the important things you should think about when working with Externals in Power BI. This blog is based on the session I’ve presented at the Dutch Power BI community day and at SQL Bits 2023 on the same topic together with my colleague Odeta Jankaitienė.

Click through for some of the important decisions you’ll need to make along the way.

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Updating SQL Server Containers on Kubernetes

Amit Khandelwal rolls out some updates:

I’m sure you’ve thought about how to update SQL Server containers running on a Kubernetes cluster at some point. So, this blog attempts to answer the question. According to the Kubernetes documentation, there are two Update strategies for statefulset workloads. For your convenience, I’m quoting the summary below:

  1.  OnDelete update : When a StatefulSet’s .spec.updateStrategy.type is set to OnDelete, the StatefulSet controller will not automatically update the Pods in a StatefulSet. Users must manually delete Pods to cause the controller to create new Pods that reflect modifications made to a StatefulSet’s .spec.template.
  2. Rolling update : When a statefuleset’s .spec.updateStrategy.type is set to RollingUpdate, the StatefulSet controller will delete and recreate each Pod in the StatefulSet. It will proceed in the same order as Pod termination (from the largest ordinal to the smallest), updating each Pod one at a time. This is the default update strategy.

Read the whole thing to learn how these two strategies of updating containers work.

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