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Category: Storage

An Overview of Amazon Athena

Aveek Das takes us through the basics of Amazon Athena:

Serverless. Since Amazon Athena is offered as a fully managed cloud service, customers do not need to take the pain of installing and maintaining separate infrastructures for this. You can start by logging into the AWS Web console and proceeded to Amazon Athena.

Pay Per Query. You only pay for queries you execute. This is very cost-effective, as you can easily figure out your monthly expenses based on your usage pattern. On average, users pay 5 USD for each terabyte of data scanned. This can be further optimized by creating partitions or compressing your dataset.

Interactive Performance. We do not need to worry about the resources that work behind the scenes. When a query is executed, Athena automatically runs the query in parallel across multiple resources, bringing the results faster.

Read on to see an example of Athena in action.

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Connecting to Azure Blob Storage from Power BI

Kristyna Hughes links Power BI to a data source:

The step-by-step process below walks through connecting to data housed in Azure Blob Storage from Power BI using a SAS token. There are many ways to grab your data from Blob Storage, but this is the most efficient, scalable, and secure way that I found (with some security restrictions from watchful DBAs).

Click through for the solution, which is based on using SAS tokens.

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Extending MDF Files without an Outage

David Klee creates some files:

Do you have quite large MDF files on your database? By large, I mean hundreds of gigabytes (or larger). Have you ever noticed that your SQL Server disk stall metrics for these data files are much higher than the storage latency metrics exhibited on the underlying operating system layer? It could be that your SQL Server data files are being hammered too hard and you don’t have enough data files to help the SQL Server storage engine distribute the load. We do this for tempdb, right? Why don’t we do this enough for our user databases as well? It’s easy for a brand-new database from day zero, but what about existing databases that have grown out of control with a single data file attached? Let me show you how to adjust this for existing databases without an outage!

Check it out. This is a part of database administration I’d never really thought much about, so it often ended up being a blind spot for me.

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Scaling HDFS to an Exabyte

Konstantin Shvachko, et al, explain some of the changes to the Hadoop Distributed File System needed to scale to one exabyte of data:

LinkedIn runs its big data analytics on Hadoop. During the last five years, the analytics infrastructure has experienced tremendous growth, almost doubling every year in data size, compute workloads, and in all other dimensions. It recently reached two important milestones.

1. LinkedIn now stores 1 exabyte of total data across all Hadoop clusters.

2. Our largest 10,000-node cluster stores 500 PB of data. It maintains 1 billion objects (directories, files, and blocks) on a single NameNode serving RPCs with an average latency under 10 milliseconds, making it one of the largest (if not the largest) Hadoop cluster in the industry.

From the early days of LinkedIn, Apache Hadoop was the basis of our analytics infrastructure. Many teams assisted in this effort to make Hadoop our canonical big data platform.

Read on for different techniques they’ve used, as well as code changes implemented in HDFS to support this data size.

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One…Million IO Requests

Sean Gallardy wins the jackpot:

If, somehow, you’ve managed to see this error in your errorlog then congratulations, you’ve won an instance of SQL Server that probably won’t be doing much.

I found out about this message a few months ago, but it has been in the product for years and I went this long without ever even knowing it existed (congrats me!) until I was asked about it and coincidentally ended up finding it in an errorlog the same week. Clearly, I have too much fun packed into my weeks. I asked around, only one other person had ever found this in an errorlog before… that’s either impressive, depressing, or some perfect quantity of both – mellow it out to a smooth melancholy.

Click through to see more information about the 1000000 IO error message and when you might find it.

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Using Logic Apps to Send Multiple Attachments

Rayis Imayev has a project:

In my real project, I need to build a Logic App to send email messages with a set of files attached from my Azure Storage Account. I was able to find similar examples from other power platform developers, however, they lacked a critical part that I needed: my set of files had to be dynamic: 2 files, or 102 files –  the Logic App should be able to support this.

So, here, I would like to share my brief journey in creating such Azure Logic App:

Read on to see how Rayis solved this.

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Deploying a Storage Solution to a Kubernetes Cluster

Chris Adkin continues a series:

Before we dive into deploying a storage solution to our Kubernetes cluster, we need to understand the basics of storage in the world of Kubernetes, which can appear to be both exotic and mysterious to the uninitiated. To dispel some confusion around Kubernetes and storage, the storage IO path is exactly the same as that with common garden vanilla variety Unix or Linux. The Kubernetes storage ecosystem introduces two extra things we need to concern ourselves with above and beyond conventional Unix/Linux storage, firstly there are some extra layers of abstraction between the physical storage and filesystems that pods use, what I like to refer to as . . .

Read the whole thing. And that was a particularly mean cut-off point on my part, if I do say so.

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Splitting SQL Server Drives on Modern SANs

Chris Taylor checks up on some older advice:

Back in the day, “when I was a lad“, the recommendation for SQL Server was to split your data, logs and tempdb files onto separate drives/luns to get the most out of your storage. Jump forward to 2021, is this still relevant and should I be splitting my SQL Server drives on to separate luns on new SAN storage? A question which is often asked not just by customers as well as their 3rd party managed service providers / hosting companies. This question can also be along the lines of, “Why can’t we just put everything on a C:\ because the backend is all on the same lun“. This is slightly different as they’re questioning the drive lettering more than creating separate luns but still relevant to this topic.

Click through to learn what Chris has found.

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Enabling Multiple Lifecycle Policies on S3

Sheldon Hull has a hoarding problem to solve:

In my case, I’ve run into 50TB of old backups due to tooling issues that prevented cleanup from being successful. The backup tooling stored a sqlite database in one subdirectory and in another directory the actual backups.

I preferred at this point to only perform the lifecycle cleanup on the backup files, while leaving the sqlite file alone.

Click through to see how to do this using Powershell.

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Things to Know about Storage

Monica Rathbun gives us a primer on storage concepts:

“One Gerbil, Two Gerbils or Three Gerbils?” is a common DBA joke about server and storage performance. No matter how many gerbils power your storage, you need to know what type they are and the power that they provide. Storage is not about gerbils it is about IOPs, bandwidth, latency, and tiers.

As a DBA it is important for you to understand and know what kind of storage is attached to your servers and how it is handling your data. It is not important to master everything about it, but it is very advantageous to be able to talk to your storage admins or “Gerbil CoLo, LLC” provider intelligently especially when you experience performance issues.  Here is a list of things to I encourage you to know and ask.

Click through for the cheat sheet.

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