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Month: November 2021

Building an ETL Pipeline with Airflow and Containers

Nikita Vasilev needs to move some data:

Obviously, we can use one of the many ready-made ETL systems that implement the functions of loading information into the corporate data warehouse. Informatica PowerCenter, Oracle Data Integrator, SAP Data Services, Oracle Warehouse Builder, Talend Open Studio, Pentaho are just a sliver of off-the-shelf solutions. However, when it comes to large volumes of data at high speeds and Big Data infrastructure already in place, boxed solutions fall flat to satisfy your needs.

Therefore, Big Data pipelines require something like Apache Airflow. It’s an open-source set of libraries for developing, planning, and monitoring workflows. Airflow is written in Python and allows you to create and configure task chains both visually with a clear web-GUI and to write Python program code.

Click through for an example using Airflow with AWS’s Elastic Container Service.

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Building 2048 in T-SQL

Tomaz Kastrun gives you a way to slack off at work while everybody else thinks you’re working on a really important SQL problem:

What is 2048 game? It is a classical puzzle game, that is easy and fun to play. The objective of the game is to move the numbers (tiles in the matrix/board) in a way to combine them to create a tile with the number 2048.

Click through to see how to use it and check out the scripts on Tomaz’s GitHub repo. This definitely merits the Wacky Ideas category.

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Use Cases for Window Functions

I continue a series on window functions in SQL Server:

To this point, we’ve looked at five classes of window function in SQL Server. I’ve given you a couple of solid use cases, but for the most part, we’ve focused on what the classes of window functions are. Now we’re going to talk about why you want to use them.

As is the norm for me, it takes about seven posts before I explain why you might want to do something.

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Data Processing in Data Explorer Pools

Tsuyoshi Matsuzaki shows us how Data Explorer pools work in Azure Synapse Analytics:

In Microsoft Ignite 2021, new Data Explorer (DX) pool in Azure Synapse Analytics is released in preview. You might wonder which one to choose among 3 different analytical pools – Spark pool, Dedicated SQL pool, and DX pool.

In this post, I’ll briefly summarize how data is processed in Data Explorer (Kusto) – Azure Data Explorer (ADX) and Azure Synapse Data Explorer (DX) pool.
I hope this will give you a hint for your optimal analytical platform.

Read on for this explanation.

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CONVERT and Binary Styles

Abayomi Obawomiye has style:

I recently had a requirement to load some data from a source table to another destination table. The destination columns were exactly the same as the source columns with the same data types and length. The only difference was that some columns on the destination table must be encrypted. The task was to use the SHA2_512 encryption algorithm to encrypt the “sensitive” data. I will talk more about the encryption algorithm in another post.

To achieve this, I needed to use the HASHBYTES function in SQL Server. The challenge was that this function used with the SHA2_512 encryption algorithm will return a fixed character length of 64 characters which will be longer than the character length on my destination table. As a result, SQL Server will throw a truncation error. I will demonstrate this below.

One really important point: SHA is not encryption; it’s a hash (which is why the function is HASHBYTES() instead of something like EncryptByKey() as column-level security uses). Hashes are intended to be a one-way trip, whereas encryption implies an ability to decrypt if you have the relevant key details. Here, the use looks to be obfuscating the text of sensitive data fields, perhaps for loading in a dev/test environment, and so the actions themselves are quite reasonable.

By the way, the styles Abayomi talks about are all listed in this Docs page. Turns out that if you’re using a money datatype, you can use CONVERT() to display the end result with commas.

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Checking Guest Account Status

Tom Collins does not want guests barging into SQL Server unannounced:

A common  SQL Server Security check is to identify if the  guest id is enabled.        By default  , the SQL Server  guest id is disabled , but for various reasons it can become enabled. 

To identify the guest status you can either use the SQL Server Management Studio (SSMS) or through SQL code. 

Click through to see how. I don’t think I’ve ever seen a use case for having the guest account enabled on a SQL Server instance.

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Powershell Functions and Return Type Oddities

Dave Mason goes down the rabbit hole:

As a result of some struggles trying to automate a process, I’ve learned some things about PowerShell. After getting to the bottom of a time-consuming problem, I thought it worth a blog post that might save someone else some time and heartache.

Let’s begin with this simple function named Get-RandomDate. It generates and returns a random date that is between today and X days ago. It has an input parameter $DaysAgo, which is of type [System.Int32]–it is a mandatory parameter.

That’s all straightforward, but then things get weird.

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Understanding Capitalization Changes in Power BI

Jeroen ter Heerdt explains why you might see the capitalization change in text loaded into Power BI:

Some of you might have seen this before – you load some data into Power BI and suddenly the capitalization (uppercase / lowercase) of your text changes on you. Let me explain what is happening here.

Click through to learn why. Normally I’d say “and what you can do about it,” but there’s not much. I guess the best answer is, embrace consistent capitalization and then you won’t notice anything.

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Managing Spark on Kubernetes instead of YARN

Rohit Choudhary argues that it’s a good idea to move from YARN to Kubernetes for your Spark clusters:

When it comes to data operations, Spark provides a tremendous advantage as a resource for data operations because it aligns with the things that make data ops valuable. It is optimized for machine learning and AI, which are used for batch processing (in real-time and at scale), and it is adept at operating within different types of environments.

Spark doesn’t completely manage these clusters of machines but instead uses a cluster manager (known as a scheduler). Most companies have traditionally used the Java Virtual Machine (JVM)-based Hadoop YARN to manage their clusters. But with the dramatic rise of Kubernetes and cloud-native computing, many organizations are moving away from YARN to Kubernetes to manage their Spark clusters. Spark on Kubernetes is even now generally available since the Apache Spark 3.1 release in March 2021.

I see some of the benefits there but am not totally sold, especially given the complexity of Kubernetes and its own lack of built-in security measures.

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Ordered Set Functions in SQL Server

I continue a series on window functions in SQL Server:

As of SQL Server 2019, there is only one ordered set function: STRING_AGG(). I like STRING_AGG() a lot, especially because it means my days of needing to explain the STUFF() + FOR XML PATH trick to concatenate values together in SQL Server are numbered.

STRING_AGG() is interesting in that we categorize it as a window function and yet it violates my first rule of window functions: there isn’t an OVER() clause. Instead, it accepts but does not require a WITHIN GROUP() clause. Let’s see it in action.

Click through for a look at that, as well as a little hint that maybe we’ve seen ordered set functions before in a different guise.

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