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Category: Architecture


Kyle Kingsbury looks at VoltDB:

Unlike most SQL databases, which default to weaker isolation levels for performance reasons, VoltDB chooses to provide strong serializable isolation by default: the combination of serializability’s multi-object atomicity, and linearizability’s real-time constraints.

Serializability is the strongest of the four ANSI SQL isolation levels: transactions must appear to execute in some order, one at a time. It prohibits a number of consistency anomalies, including lost updates, dirty reads, fuzzy reads, and phantoms.

If you use VoltDB, it sounds like upgrading to 6.4 is a good idea.

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Hard Problems In Stream Processing

Kartik Paramasivam discusses tough issues within the Lambda architecture:

During a data center failover like the exampleabove, we could have a “late arrival,” i.e. the stream processor might see the AdClickEvent possibly a few minutes after the AdViewEvent. A poorly written stream processor might deduce that the ad was a low-quality ad when instead the ad might have actually been good. Another anomaly is that the stream processor might see the AdClickEvent before it sees the corresponding AdViewEvent. To ensure that the output of the stream processor is correct there has to be logic to handle this “out of order message arrival.”

In the example above, the geo-distributed nature of the data centers makes it easy to explain the delays. However delays can exist even within the same data center due to GC issues, Kafka cluster upgrades, partition rebalances, and other naturally occurring distributed system phenomena.

This is a pretty long article and absolutely worth a read if you are looking at streaming data.

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Netflix Billing Architecture

The Netflix tech blog discusses changing their billing infrastructure to be entirely in the cloud (AWS in this case):

Cleaning up Code: We started chipping away existing code into smaller, efficient modules and first moved some critical dependencies to run from the Cloud. We moved our tax solution to the Cloud first.

Next, we retired serving member billing history from giant tables that were part of  many different code paths. We built a new application to capture billing events, migrated only necessary data into our new Cassandra data store and started serving billing history, globally, from the Cloud.

We spent a good amount of time writing a data migration tool that would transform member  billing attributes spread across many tables in Oracle  into a much simpler Cassandra data structure.

We worked with our DVD engineering counterparts to further simplify our integration and got rid of obsolete code.

Purging Data: We took a hard look at every single table to ensure that we were migrating only what we needed and leaving everything else behind. Historical billing data is valuable to legal and customer service teams. Our goal was to migrate only necessary data into the Cloud. So, we worked with impacted teams  to find out what parts of historical data they really needed. We identified alternative data stores that could serve old data for these teams. After that, we started purging data that was obsolete and was not needed for any function.

All in all, a very interesting read on how to migrate large databases.  Even if you’re moving from one version of a product to another, some of these steps might prove very helpful in your environment.

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BigQuery Versus Redshift

Kiyoto Tamura compares Google’s BigQuery versus Amazon’s Redshift for cloud-based warehousing:

Neither service is truly “set and forget” and requires a dedicated engineer to learn the service and maintain it. You can use various tools to automate many aspects of the operation, but someone will have to maintain automation scripts and workflows.

That said, here are things that I’ve heard first-hand from talking to users

The bottom line there is that Redshift is a bit more mature than BigQuery today, but keep an eye on both of them.

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Warehouse History

Kennie Pontoppidan delves into various aspects of collecting and storing history in warehouses:

In T2 history we have the two attributes ValidFromDate and ValidToDate. We can choose two different strategies for updating the values of these: using system time (load time) or business time. If we use system time for the T2 splits, the data warehouse history is dependent on when we load data. This makes it impossible to reload data in the data warehouse without messing up the data history. If we allow our load ETL procedures to use timestamps for business time (when data was really valid) for T2 history, we get the opportunity to reload data. But the cost of this flexibility is a much more complicated design for T2 splits. We also need to keep track of this metadata on the source system attributes.

Part of a warehouse’s value is its ability to replay historical data, but you can only do that if you store the data correctly (and query it correctly!).

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SQL Data Partners Podcast: The Wide World Of Data

Carlos L. Chacon was nice enough to interview me on his podcast:

The expansion of data sets and increased expectations of businesses for analysis and modeling of data has led developers to create a number of database products to meet those needs. As data professionals, it is incumbent upon us to understand how these tools work and put them to their best use–before somebody else puts them to sub-optimal use.  I am joined by Kevin Feasel who walks us through some of the technologies available and sorts out under what circumstances we want to consider using each one.

Show notes are on the SQL Data Partners podcast site.  My presentation slides are available online.  And if I get just a few more people to dig Aphyr as much as I do, the world will be a better place.

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Lambda And Kappa

Alex Woodie has a story on two competing data architectures:

Jay Kreps, the co-creator of Apache Kafka and CEO of Confluent, was one of the first big data architects to espouse an alternative to the Lambda architecture, which he did with his 2014 O’Reilly story “Questioning the Lambda Architecture.” While Kreps appreciated some aspects of the Lambda architecture—in particular how it deals with reprocessing data—he stated that the downside was just too great.

“The Lambda architecture says I have to have Hadoop and I have to have Storm and I’m going to implement everything in both places and keep them in sync. “I think that’s extremely hard to do,” Kreps tells Datanami. “I think one of the biggest things hurting stream processing is the amount of complexity that you have to incur to build something. That makes it slow to build applications that way, hard to roll them out, and hard to make them reliable enough to be a key part of the business.

I wonder if we’re seeing the next generation of Kimball v Inmon here, or if one will absolutely dominate.

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Lambda Architecture

Sebastiao Correia discusses Lambda architecture:

The batch layer stores all the data with no constraint on the schema. The schema-on-read is built in the batch views in the serving layer. Creating schema-on-read views requires algorithms to parse the data from the batch layer and convert them in a readable way. This allows input data to freely evolve as there is no constraint on their structure. But then, the algorithm that builds the view is responsible to manage the structural change in order to still deliver the same view as expected. 

This shows a coupling between the data and the algorithms used for serving the data. Focusing on data quality is therefore not enough and we may ask the question of the algorithm quality. As the system lives and evolves, the algorithms may become more and more complex. These algorithms must not be regarded as black boxes, but a clear understanding of what they are doing is important if we want to have a good data governance. Moreover, during the batch view creation, data quality transformations could be done so as to provide data of better quality to the consumer of the views.

Lambda is an interesting architectural concept, as it tries to solve the age-old “fast or accurate?” problem with “both.”  Get your fast estimates streamed through a speed layer, but your accurate, slow calculations handled through the serving layer.  Definitely check out this article.

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Data Warehouse Design Tips

Dustin Ryan has part one of a two-part series on data warehouse design best practices:

2. Store additive measures in the data warehouse.

The best type of measures to store in the data warehouse are those measures that can be fully aggregated. A measure that can be fully aggregated is a measure that can be summarized by any dimension or all dimensions and still remain meaningful. For instance, a Sales Amount measure can be summarized by Product, Date, Geography, etc. and still provide valuable insight for the customer.

Measures that cannot be fully aggregated, such as ratios or other percentage type calculations should be handled in the semantic model or the reporting tool. For example, a measure such as Percentage Profit Margin stored in a table cannot be properly aggregated. A better option would be to store the additive measures that are the base for the Percentage Profit Margin, such as Revenue, Cost, Margin, etc. These base measures can be used to calculate the ratio in a query, semantic model, or reporting tool.

The first five tips are non-controverisal and act as a good baseline for understanding warehousing with SQL Server.  Do check it out.

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In-Memory OLTP Using Ignite

Babu Elumalai explains how to use Apache Ignite to build an in-memory OLTP system on top of Amazon’s DynamoDB:

Business users have been content to perform analytics on data collected in Amazon Redshift to spot trends. But recently, they have been asking AWS whether the latency can be reduced for real-time analysis. At the same time, they want to continue using the analytical tools they’re familiar with.

In this situation, we need a system that lets you capture the data stream in real time and use SQL to analyze it in real time.

In the earlier section, you learned how to build the pipeline to Amazon Redshift with Firehose and Lambda functions. The following illustration shows how to use Apache Spark Streaming on EMR to compute time window statistics from DynamoDB Streams. The computed data can be persisted to Amazon S3 and accessed with SparkSQL using Apache Zeppelin.

There are a lot of technologies at play here and it’s worth a perusal, even though I’m going to keep recommending that you use a relational database like SQL Server for OLTP work in all but the most extreme of circumstances.

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