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Migrating Databricks Workspaces

Gerhard Brueckl has made DatabricksPS better:

I do not know what is/was the problem here but I did not have time to investigate but instead needed to come up with a proper solution in time. So I had a look what needs to be done for a manual export. Basically there are 5 types of content within a Databricks workspace:

– Workspace items (notebooks and folders)
– Clusters
– Jobs
– Secrets
– Security (users and groups)

For all of them an appropriate REST API is provided by Databricks to manage and also exports and imports. This was fantastic news for me as I knew I could use my existing PowerShell moduleĀ DatabricksPSĀ to do all the stuff without having to re-invent the wheel again.

I’ve used DatabricksPS and really like it for cases where I’d have to loop with the Databricks REST API—for example, when uploading files.