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Day: October 17, 2019

Scala Views

Girish Bharti takes us through a performance-tuning technique in Scala:

We all know the power of lazy variables in Scala programming. If you are developing the application with huge data then you must have worked with the Scala collections. Some mostly used collections are List, Seq, Vector, etc. Similarly, you must be aware of the power of Streams. The streams are a very powerful tool for handling the infinite flow of data and streams are powerful because of there lazy transformations. As we know most of the Scala collections are strict so applying an operation on immutable collections creates a new collection. The size of the collection can be huge in the big data world. So, what if you have to apply a lot of transformations to the collection? Is there a way to handle collections in a lazy way? What if you can find a way to apply operations on your usual collections lazily? In this blog, we will be talking about the Scala views and how to use them.

Read the whole thing.

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Delta Lake to Become an Open Standard

Michael Armbrust and Reynold Xin have exciting news about Delta Lake:

At today’s Spark + AI Summit Europe in Amsterdam, we announced that Delta Lake is becoming a Linux Foundation project. Together with the community, the project aims to establish an open standard for managing large amounts of data in data lakes. The Apache 2.0 software license remains unchanged.

Delta Lake focuses on improving the reliability and scalability of data lakes. Its higher level abstractions and guarantees, including ACID transactions and time travel, drastically simplify the complexity of real-world data engineering architecture. Since we open sourced Delta Lake six months ago, we have been humbled by the reception. The project has been deployed at thousands of organizations and processes exabytes of data each month, becoming an indispensable pillar in data and AI architectures.

Read on to see what this means for Delta Lake.

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Benchmarking JSON Query Times

Silvano Coriani compares different options for loading and querying JSON data in Azure SQL Database:

Storing and retrieving data from JSON fragments is a common need in many application scenarios, like IoT solutions or microservice-based architectures. These fragments can be persisted in a variety of data stores, from blob or file shares, to relational and non-relational databases, and there’s a long standing debate in the industry on what’s the database technology that fits “better” for this task.
Azure SQL Database offers several options for parsing, transforming and querying JSON data, and this article doesn’t pretend to provide a definitive answer to that debate, but rather to explore these options for common scenarios like data loading and retrieving, and benchmarking results to provide a clear indication of how Azure SQL Database will perform manipulating JSON data.

Read on for the results.

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Query Folding with Power BI Dataflows

Matthew Roche shares a few important points about Power BI dataflows and query folding:

In a recent post I mentioned an approach for working around the import-only nature of Power BI dataflows as a data source in Power BI Desktop, and in an older post I shared information about the enhanced compute engine that’s currently available in preview.

Some recent conversations have led me to believe that I should summarize a few points about dataflows and query folding, because these existing posts don’t make them easy to find and understand.

Read on for those points.

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Fixing Key Lookup Problems

Erik Darling has a couple techniques for mitigating key lookup-related performance problems:

They’re one of those things — I’d say even the most common thing — that makes parameterized code sensitive to the bad kind of parameter sniffing, so they get a lot of attention.

The thing is, most of the attention that they get is just for columns you’re selecting, and most of the advice you get is to “create covering indexes”.

That’s not always possible, and that’s why I did this session a while back on a different way to rewrite queries to sometimes make them more efficient. Especially since key lookups may cause blocking issues.

Read on to see what you can do when a covering index isn’t a viable option.

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