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Day: October 8, 2019

Architecting a Data Lake in AWS

Gaurav Mishra takes us through data lake architecture on AWS:

Landing zone: This is the area where all the raw data comes in, from all the different sources within the enterprise. The zone is strictly meant for data ingestion, and no modelling or extraction should be done at this stage.

Curation zone: Here’s where you get to play with the data. The entire extract-transform-load (ETL) process takes place at this stage, where the data is crawled to understand what it is and how it might be useful. The creation of metadata, or applying different modelling techniques to it to find potential uses, is all done here.

Production zone: This is where your data is ready to be consumed into different application, or to be accessed by different personas. 

This is a nice overview of data lake concepts and worth the read if you’re using AWS. Even if not, the same principles (if not the same technologies) apply for Azure, other clouds, and on-prem.

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From Data Lake to Delta Lake

Anmol Sarna explains the benefits of Spark’s Delta Lake:

Traditionally data has been residing in silos across the organization and the ecosystem in which it operations (external data). That’s a challenge: you can’t combine the right data to succeed in a big data project if that data is a bit everywhere in and out of the cloud. This is where the idea – and reality – of (big) data lakes comes from.

data lake is a storage repository that holds a vast amount of raw data in its native format until it is needed. While a hierarchical data warehouse stores data in files or folders, a data lake uses a flat architecture to store data.

Although the data lakes serve as a central ingestion point for the plethora of data that organizations seek to gather and mine, it still has various limitations or challenges.

Software is made up of tradeoffs. What you gain by dumping relational structure, you lose in dumping relational structure (and this applies in the opposite direction as well).

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Thinking Like the SQL Server Engine

Brent Ozar has started a series based on a video of the same name:

7,405 pages is about 15 reams of paper.
You know those 500-page packs of paper that you put into the copier or the printer? (No? Do you remember copiers and printers? Honestly, me neither.) The Users table is one of the smallest tables in the Stack Overflow database export, but it’s still 15 of those packs.

As we work through demos in the upcoming posts, I want you to visualize a stack of 15 reams of paper over in the corner of your room. When I ask you to query the table, I want you to think about how you’d execute that as a human being facing data spread across 15 reams of paper. It’d be a hell of a lot of work, and you wouldn’t be so eager to go grab the first piece of paper to start work. You’d wanna build a really good plan before you go tackle that stack of paper.

That’s a lot of paper.

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Installing Kubernetes

Anthony Nocentino has an updated version of his Kubernetes installation guide:

Kubernetes is a distributed system, you will be creating a cluster which will have a master node that is in charge of all operations in your cluster. In this walkthrough we’ll create three workers which will run our applications. This cluster topology is, by no means, production ready. If you’re looking for production cluster builds check out Kubernetes documentation. Here and here. The primary components that need high availability in a Kubernetes cluster are the API Server which controls the state of the cluster and the etcd database which persists the state of the cluster. You can learn more about Kubernetes cluster components here. If you want to dive into Kubernetes more check out my Pluralsight Courses here! Where I have a dedicated course on Installation and Configuration.

In our demonstration here, the master is where the API Server, etcd, and the other control plan functions will live. The workers/nodes, will be joined to the cluster and run our application workloads. 

Read the whole thing.

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Keeping Track of ADS Extension Updates

Dave Bland shows how you can find out-of-date extensions in Azure Data Studio:

As you add more and more extensions to Azure Data Studio,  keeping them up to date could present a challenge.  Of course we will want to install all the extensions that we think might be helpful to us.  Luckily Azure Data Studio has a nice way to let us know if there is an extension that is out of date.

Click through to see how.

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Bulk Removing Reshare Permissions in Power BI

Gilbert Quevauvilliers takes us through bulk changing dataset permissions in Power BI:

Whilst this sometimes is what is required, I always suggest to people to remove this option and rather manage it by exception.

If you do leave this option enabled, it means if I had to share a report with Bob, Bob would then be able to reshare the report with someone else. This could potentially lead to other people gaining access to a report or data that they should not see.

Fortunately, I found a way to quickly remove the reshare option in the Power BI Service.

Click through to see how it’s done.

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Figuring Dataflow Boundaries

Matthew Roche gives some advice on how large to make artifacts in Power BI dataflows:

This post started as a response to this question from Mark, who was commenting on last week’s data lineage post:

How would you decide how big or how small to make each artifact in the lineage, in terms of the amount of transformations taking place inside the artifact? In my case they would only be shared with 2-3 other users.
For instance I could go all out and have every step that would previously take place in a query editor result in a new link in the data lineage chain, but that would probably be overkill.

I agree that “one step per dataflow” would be overkill, but beyond that the answer is largely “it depends.”

Read on to see on which factors it depends.

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Mitigating SQL Injection with SQL Server 2019

Grant Fritchey is sick of SQL injection:

Instead, let’s talk about some of the common vectors of SQL Injection. Obviously, building and executing strings is the biggest issue. Appropriate use of parameters will do more to the fix the problem than almost any other step. However, it’s also enhanced by bad code on the front-end which doesn’t appropriately clean the data, inappropriate error handling, bad security, bad data isolation, and more.

The keys to the attack are to get back a few bits of information, usually in error messages in the case of a normal attack, or, through the use of the WAITFOR command in a blind attack (for more detail, I’m talking about this stuff at the PASS Summit). Getting error messages with information about the database makes it easier for me to hack your system (if I was evil). Knowing that I have a SQL Injection vector through the WAITFOR command helps me target appropriate systems (if I was evil).

For the most part, SQL injection isn’t a SQL problem—it’s an application problem (save for the case when you generate dynamic SQL and concatenate in input parameters). SQL Server-based solutions will only do a little bit; fixing the app code is the best answer.

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