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Scala Views

Girish Bharti takes us through a performance-tuning technique in Scala:

We all know the power of lazy variables in Scala programming. If you are developing the application with huge data then you must have worked with the Scala collections. Some mostly used collections are List, Seq, Vector, etc. Similarly, you must be aware of the power of Streams. The streams are a very powerful tool for handling the infinite flow of data and streams are powerful because of there lazy transformations. As we know most of the Scala collections are strict so applying an operation on immutable collections creates a new collection. The size of the collection can be huge in the big data world. So, what if you have to apply a lot of transformations to the collection? Is there a way to handle collections in a lazy way? What if you can find a way to apply operations on your usual collections lazily? In this blog, we will be talking about the Scala views and how to use them.

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