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Category: Dates and Numbers

Annoying Date Formats

Randolph West shows that even The Best Date Format can deceive you under certain circumstances:

Look carefully. DATE and DATETIME2 are showing the date of 12 July 2017 as expected. Unfortunately, the DATETIME and SMALLDATETIME data types are showing a date of 7 December 2017.

That’s not good at all. It means that the ISO 8601 standard does not work the way we might expect it to. The reason is simple, if annoying: we need to add a time to the date to make it pass the ISO 8601 standard.

I don’t like the idea of having to write 20170713 instead of 2017-07-13, but that is the only date format in SQL Server that I’ve run across that will work with any language and culture settings.


STOP Date Formats

Dave Mason notes that the STOPAT date option when restoring a log backup is temperamental:

There’s nothing I see in the documentation regarding the format for “time“. But there are a couple of examples, including this one:

RESTORE LOG AdventureWorks  
FROM AdventureWorksBackups  
WITH FILE=4, NORECOVERY, STOPAT = 'Apr 15, 2020 12:00 AM';

That string looks suspiciously like a US English date format. I suspect that wouldn’t work for languages that don’t recognize “Apr” as a month. And what if the date is displayed in one of the many date formats used outside of the US? Lets find out!

Dave tried 21 different date formats; click through for the results.

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Avoid Ticks

Michael J. Swart shows you how to convert DATETIME2 values to Ticks:

A .Net tick is a duration of time lasting 0.1 microseconds. When you look at the Tick property of DateTime, you’ll see that it represents the number of ticks since January 1st 0001.
But why 0.1 microseconds? According to stackoverflow user CodesInChaos “ticks are simply the smallest power-of-ten that doesn’t cause an Int64 to overflow when representing the year 9999”.

Even though it’s an interesting idea, just use one of the datetime data types, that’s what they’re there for. I avoid ticks whenever I can.

I agree with Michael:  avoid using Ticks if you can.

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Getting A Date Is Hard

Nate Johnson has a fun rant about datetime ranges in SQL Server and date pickers:

I mean, I’m not that old, but spinning thru a few decades is still slower than just typing 4 digits on my keyboard — especially if your input-box is smart enough to flip my keyboard into “numeric only” mode.

Another seemingly popular date-picker UX is the “calendar control”.  Oh gawd.  It’s horrible!  Clicking thru pages and pages of months to find and click (tap?) on an itty bitty day box, only to realize “Oh crap, that was the wrong year… ok let me go back.. click, click, tap..” ad-nauseum.

Food for thought.

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JSON Dates In SQL Server

Bert Wagner explains how to handle JSON datetime strings in SQL Server:

In SQL Server, datetime2’s format is defined as follows:

YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss[.fractional seconds]

JSON date time strings are defined like:


Honestly, they look pretty similar. However, there are few key differences:

  • JSON separates the date and time portion of the string with the letter T

  • The Z is optional and indicates that the datetime is in UTC (if the Z is left off, JavaScript defaults to UTC). You can also specify a different timezone by replacing the Z with a + or  along with HH:mm (ie. -05:00 for Eastern Standard Time)

  • The precision of SQL’s datetime2 goes out to 7 decimal places, in JSON and JavaScript it only goes out to 3 places, so truncation may occur.

Read on for a few scripts handling datetime conversions between these types.

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That 53rd Week

Jens Vestergaard notes that you can sometimes have a 53rd week in the year:

There are a lot of great examples out there on how to build your own custom Time Intelligence into Analysis Services (MD). Just have a look at this, this, this, this and this. All good sources for solid Time Intelligence in SSAS.
One thing they have in common though, is that they all make the assumption that there is and will always be 52 weeks in a year. The data set I am currently working with is built on ISO 8601 standard. In short, this means that there is an (re-) occurrence of a 53rd full week as opposed to only 52 in the Gregorian version which is defined by: 1 Gregorian calendar year = 52 weeks + 1 day (2 days in a leap year).

The 53rd occurs approximately every five to six years, though this is not always the case. The last couple of times  we saw 53 weeks in a year was in 1995, 2000, 2006, 2012 and 2015. Next time will be in 2020. This gives you enough time to either forget about the hacks and hard-coded fixes in place to mitigate the issue OR bring your code in a good state, ready for the next time.

Dates and currency are hard problems.

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Understanding DATEADD And DATEDIFF

Matan Yungman and Guy Glantser take a hack at DATEDIFF versus DATEADD for date calculations.  First up is Matan:

Pretty simple right?

Well, it is, and since this problem is pretty common, I used this solution in many performance tuning sessions I performed over the years.

There’s a slight problem though: This solution isn’t 100% accurate.

When carefully looking at the results, I find out that for the first query, I get 5859 rows, and for the second query, I get 5988 rows. Where does this difference come from?

Then, Guy gives his take on the problem:

I tested both queries on a sample table, which has millions of rows, and only around 500 rows in the last 90 days. The first query produced a table scan, while the second query produced an index seek. Of course, the execution time of the second query was much lower than the first query.

Both queries were supposed to return the orders in the last 90 days, but the first query returned 523 rows, and the second query returned 497 rows. So what’s going on?

The answer has to do with the way DATEDIFF works. This function returns the number of date parts (days, years, seconds, etc.) between two date & time values. It does that by first rounding down each one of the date & time values to the nearest date part value, and then counting the number of date parts between them.

They both start from the same base problem, but end up with slightly different formulations of a solution.

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Correlated Datetime Columns

Grant Fritchey covers a concept I’d never heard of:

Correlated Datetime Columns works. Clearly it’s not something you’re going to enable on all your databases. Probably most of your databases don’t have clustered indexes on datetime columns let alone enough tables with correlation between the data stored in them. However, when you do have that type of data correlation, enabling Correlated Datetime Columns and ensuring you have a clustered index on the datetime column is a viable tuning mechanism. Further, this is a mechanism that has been around since 2005. Just so you know, I did all my testing in SQL Server 2016, so this something that anyone in the right situation can take advantage of. Just remember that TANSTAAFL always applies. Maintaining the statistics needed for the Correlated Datetime Columns is done through materialized views that are automatically created through the optimization process. You can see the views in SSMS and any queries against the objects. You’ll need to take this into account during your statistics maintenance. However, if Correlated Datetime Columns is something you need, this is really going to help with this, fairly narrow, aspect of query tuning.

I don’t know that I’ll ever do this, but it’s worth filing away just in case.

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Datetime Conversion Change

Dan Guzman notes a change in behavior in how datetime fields are upconverted:

SQL Server 2016 and Azure SQL Database V12 use the raw datetime internal value without rounding during conversion to another temporal type. The value is rounded only once during conversion, to the target type precision. The end result will be the same as before SQL Server 2016 when the target type precision is 3 or less. However, the converted value will be different when the target type precision is greater than 3 and the internal time unit interval is not evenly divisible by 3 (i.e. rounded source datetime millisecond value is 3 or 7). Note the non-zero microseconds and nanoseconds in the script results below and that rounding is based on the target type precision rather than the source.

This is a good thing on net, but be aware of this if you try to compare datetime versus datetime2 values.

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Lubridate Updates

Hadley Wickham reports on a Lubridate update:

  • Date time rounding (with round_date()floor_date() and ceiling_date()) now supports unit multipliers, like “3 days” or “2 months”:

    ceiling_date(ymd_hms("2016-09-12 17:10:00"), unit = "5 minutes")
    #> [1] "2016-09-12 17:10:00 UTC"

If you handle date and time data in R, Lubridate is a tremendous asset.

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