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Dealing With Dates In R

Mathew McLean shows how to convert strings to dates using a couple well-known packages and introduces flipTime:

The package flipTime provides utilities for working with time series and date-time data. The package can be installed from GitHub using


I will discuss only two functions from the package in this post, AsDate() and AsDateTime(). These are used for the conversion of date and date-time strings, respectively. These functions build on the convenience and speed of the lubridate function. Furthermore, the flipTime functions provide additional functionality (making them easier to use). The functions are smart about identifying the proper format to use. So the user doesn’t need to specify the format(s) as inputs. At the same time, both AsDate() and AsDateTime() are careful to not convert any strings to dates when they are not formatted as dates. Additionally, it will also warn the user when the dates are not in an unambiguous format.

Check it out.