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Day: February 13, 2018

Investigating The gcForest Algorithm

William Vorhies describes a new algorithm with strong potential:

gcForest (multi-Grained Cascade Forest) is a decision tree ensemble approach in which the cascade structure of deep nets is retained but where the opaque edges and node neurons are replaced by groups of random forests paired with completely-random tree forests.  In this case, typically two of each for a total of four in each cascade layer.

Image and text problems are categorized as ‘feature learning’ or ‘representation learning’ problems where features are neither predefined nor engineered as in traditional ML problems.  And the basic rule in these feature discovery problems is to go deep, using multiple layers each of which learns relevant features of the data in order to classify them.  Hence the multi-layer structure so familiar with DNNs is retained.

By using both random forests and completely-random tree forests the authors gain the advantage of diversity.  Each forest contains 500 completely random trees allowed to split until each leaf node contains only the same class of instances making the growth self-limiting and adaptive, unlike the fixed and large depth required by DNNs.

The estimated class distribution forms a class vector which is then concatenated with the original feature vector to be the input of the next level cascade.  Not dissimilar from CNNs.

The final model is a cascade of cascade forests.  The final prediction is obtained by aggregating the class vectors and selecting the class with the highest maximum score.

Click through for how it fares on the normal sample data sets like MNIST.

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Simple Data Transformation Tricks In R

Abdul Majed Raja has a few tidyverse-friendly data transformation tips:

Splitting a column to many columns is a cliched Data Transformation case that’s hardly unseen while performing Data Transformation. While it’s straightforward to do this in Microsoft Excel, it’s slightly tricky using Data analytics languages. That is true until this function separate() from tidyr came.

These are small but helpful tips.

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SQLSharp 4.1 Released

Solomon Rutzky announces a new release of SQL#:


    • Greatly reduced size (by approx. 310 kb) of main SQL# Assembly by moving LookUp category into its own Assembly: SQL#.LookUps. This will improve initial load times and won’t waste much memory when not using the LookUp functions.
  • Installation Script

    • Account for security changes related to SQL Server 2017 (i.e. “CLR strict security“) using a Certificate (flexible, clean) instead of the new “Trusted Assemblies” (inflexible, messy).
  • Networking

    • Added explicit support for TLS 1.1 and TLS 1.2 protocols

    • Increased default “Connection Limit” for URIs to 20 from the .NET default of 2. This will reduce performance bottlenecks from concurrent access to the same URI.

SQL# is also the first place where I found a decent median function for SQL Server.

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Andy Galbraith has a script to track the outputs of DBCC MEMORYSTATUS over a time period:

Running this statement interactively doesn’t return any data – it just loads the data into DBADatabase.dbo.DBCCMemoryStatus.  Running the commented-out SELECT at the bottom of the script as written will query that table for all rows of counter VM Reserved (virtual memory reserved) but there is much more data than that available if you modify the SELECT.

This query can be dropped into a SQL Agent job step as is and it will run – just like the interactive run it will create the database and permanent table if they don’t exist and then store those nuggets of data into the permanent table for later use – you never know when you may need them!

Click through for the script.

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Understanding Row Goals

Paul White has an excellent article on row goals:

In my experience, it is very common for people to miss the impact of row goals in execution plans.

No wonder, since before SQL Server 2017 CU3, there was no documented way to see information about row goals in execution plans! That update includes:

This enhancement adds the EstimateRowsWithoutRowGoal attribute to each plan operator affected by a row goal.

The new attribute is visible in all the usual places (e.g. DMVs, plan cache) but not yet in SQL Server Management Studio graphical plans (up to and including SSMS version 17.4). The SQL Server does send the new attribute, but SSMS graphical plans strip bits out that do not match its local version of the xml plan schema.

Version 17.5 of SSMS is expected to ship with an updated xml schema and UI elements, making the new attribute visible. SentryOne Plan Explorer shows the new attribute in the raw xml view already, since it doesn’t have any reason to strip the information out, but an update will be required to incorporate the new row goal information into other places (such as the Plan Diagram). I would expect it to make its way onto tooltips first.

Definitely worth a careful read.

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Getting SQL Server CPU Usage By Session

Manu Punna has a script to get CPU utilization by session over a relatively short timeframe:

Troubleshooting high CPU usage on a SQL Server Database is an art, but there is a defined methodology to follow to find the root cause of high CPU. This can involve breaking down the overall server CPU usage to a more granular level, first discovering that it’s SQL Server that’s the problem (because way too often it’s something else!), down to exploring specific plan operators in a particular problematic query. Finding that problematic query, identifying the high CPU consumer, means identifying the CPU usage by session.

sys.dm_exec_requests shows the CPU time, but it’s cumulative – it doesn’t give the CPU consumption by each session at the current time. You can see how much CPU usage a session has had since it started, but it doesn’t show you what’s going on right now. To explore that, we need to query sys.dm_exec_requests repeatedly, and look for the differences. We need to collect the CPU usage for a time interval to identify the high CPU consumers.

Click through for the script.

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New SQL Server 2017 On Windows Docker Container

Perry Skountrianos announces that SQL Server 2017 Developer & Express editions (running Windows Server 1709) are now available on Docker Hub:

Windows Server version 1709 brings the following important improvements that developers can take advantage of with the updated container images.

  1. First of all, the microsoft/windowsservercore image underneath SQL shrunk by more than 2GB, so the SQL Server images are also 2GB smaller.

  2. The networking support for containers was improved to support Kubernetes, now at beta in version 1.9 beta on Windows, and routing mesh with Docker Swarm.

  3. If you want to store your databases on remote storage, you can now by using global SMB mounts (New-SMBGlobalMapping) along with a docker volume (docker run -v c:\shared:c:\data microsoft/mssql-express-…).

Seems like a useful improvement.

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Ways To Hinder Indexes

Raul Gonzalez shows that even when you have a good index, “clever” developers and fate can find ways to conspire against it:

he benefits of having an index are well known, you can get the same results by reading a smaller amount of data so the improvement in performance can be from several minutes to seconds or even less.

That sounds awesome and it certainly is and there are people out there making a living of it, so it’s a huge deal for sure.

But it’s not always like that, and things can go wrong very easily and make all these shiny indexes just a pile of useless burden.

Let me show you some examples, where we can see our indexes in use, but also how they can be ignored by the query processor and become totally useless. I’m going to use the Microsoft sample database [WideWorldImporters] so you can follow along if you want.

Read on to learn more.

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