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Getting SQL Server CPU Usage By Session

Manu Punna has a script to get CPU utilization by session over a relatively short timeframe:

Troubleshooting high CPU usage on a SQL Server Database is an art, but there is a defined methodology to follow to find the root cause of high CPU. This can involve breaking down the overall server CPU usage to a more granular level, first discovering that it’s SQL Server that’s the problem (because way too often it’s something else!), down to exploring specific plan operators in a particular problematic query. Finding that problematic query, identifying the high CPU consumer, means identifying the CPU usage by session.

sys.dm_exec_requests shows the CPU time, but it’s cumulative – it doesn’t give the CPU consumption by each session at the current time. You can see how much CPU usage a session has had since it started, but it doesn’t show you what’s going on right now. To explore that, we need to query sys.dm_exec_requests repeatedly, and look for the differences. We need to collect the CPU usage for a time interval to identify the high CPU consumers.

Click through for the script.