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Azure SQL Managed Instanced Update Policies

Rod Edwards is not amused:

Ah, SQL 2022, the release that finally brought box SQL and Azure managed instance closer together. We have wonderful toys such as Managed Instance Link, allowing us to connect our SQL 2022 on prem instances with Managed Instance Link. It waslike the first real effort to integrate modern Azure offerings with those who also need / prefer an On Prem presence.

Rob Litjens has a follow-up on this:

I prepared some questions:

  1. What polices does Managed Instance have?
  2. Why did Microsoft implement the ‘Always-up-to-date update policy’ Policy?
  3. Why is it named Policy?
  4. Do we need to update our Azure scripts to implement it (immediately)?
  5. Is there impact on offerings like Managed Instance Link

Do read both of these as they combine for a rounded perspective of the issue Rod brought up.