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Day: May 10, 2024

Collapsing or Concatenating Text in R

Steven Sanderson builds a list:

When working with data frames in R, you may often encounter scenarios where you need to collapse or concatenate text values based on groups within your dataset. This could involve combining text from multiple rows into a single row per group, which can be useful for summarizing data or preparing it for further analysis. In this post, we’ll explore how to achieve this task using different methods in R—specifically using base R, the dplyr package, and the data.table package.

This is the R equivalent of T-SQL’s STRING_AGG() function, or the STUFF() + FOR XML PATH approach if you’re still on an older version of SQL Server.

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Quick Takes on Logistic Regression

John Cook talks about my favorite form of regression that serves to solve classification problems:

Logistic regression models the probability of a yes/no event occurring. It gives you more information than a model that simply tries to classify yeses and nos. I advised a client to move from an uninterpretable classification method to logistic regression and they were so excited about the result that they filed a patent on it.

It’s too late to patent logistic regression, but they filed a patent on the application of logistic regression to their domain. I don’t know whether the patent was ever granted.

Read on for a few more thoughts on and around logistic regression and logits from a mathematician.

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Arbitrary Intervals for Partitioning in Postgres

Keith Fiske does a bit of interval math:

Whether you are managing a large table or setting up automatic archiving, time based partitioning in Postgres is incredibly powerful. pg_partman’s newest versions support a huge variety of custom time internals. Marco just published a post on using pg_partman with our new database product for doing analytics with PostgresCrunchy Bridge for Analytics. So I thought this would be a great time to review the basic and complex options for the time based partitioning.

Read on for a note of how pg_partman works and interval management, especially for versions earlier than 5.0.

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Indexing for Read-Scale Databases

Jose Manuel Jurado Diaz shares a customer case:

Today, I worked on a service request that our customer has a Business Critical database with 4 vCores and Read-Scale Out enabled. Our customer noticed several performance issues using Read-Scale Out database and I would like to explain several lessons learned found during the troubleshooting steps.

Click through for notes on troubleshooting and improving performance.

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Dangling Images with Oracle 23ai Free Edition

Kellyn Gorman runs into an issue:

When I tried to connect via SQLPlus as SYSDBA, I received an EXTPROC error. It pointed clearly to the listener.ora file, which I discovered a path listed still to ora23c for the extproc, corrected it, started the Listener, but to no avail- an ORA-12547 error, realizing I had a make file issue on the binaries for Oracle.

I contacted Geral Venzl, who was very gracious and after some quick research, he came back that his folks said everything was fine with the images, so I thanked him and dug into the issue deeper.  I quickly discovered this problem could happen to others, so decided I better document here for anyone who does happen upon it.

Click through for the high-level explanation and a bit more detail on dangling images.

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Multi-Master Architecture in PostgreSQL

Semab Tariq describes a scale-out technique for Postgres:

Multi-master architecture has gained significant traction in the world of database management, offering a solution to traditional limitations in scalabilityfault tolerance, and high availability. By allowing multiple nodes to operate as master, this architecture promises a more flexible and robust database system. However, along with these benefits come certain challenges, including data consistency, resource demands, and conflict resolution.

In this blog, we will explore what multi-master architecture is, delve into its key advantages, and discuss the potential drawbacks that come with its implementation. Also in our upcoming blogs, we will see how you can setup your first multi-master architecture with a tool called PGD (Postgres Distributed) by EnterpriseDB (EDB).

Read on to learn how it works, as well as some of the pros and cons of using it.

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