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Day: May 20, 2024

R’s Global Regular Expression Function

Steven Sanderson has me wondering who Greg is and why he gets an expression of his own:

If you’ve ever worked with text data in R, you know how important it is to have powerful tools for pattern matching. One such tool is the gregexpr() function. This function is incredibly useful when you need to find all occurrences of a pattern within a string. Today, we’ll go into how gregexpr() works, explore its syntax, and go through several examples to make things clear.

Read on to learn more about the global regular expression function and how it works.

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Preventing Passwords from Getting into GitHub

Eduardo Pivaral does some work:

Healthy code should not include passwords, keys, or secrets in the source code. Sometimes, developers hard-code sensitive information while testing new features but forget to remove it afterward.

How can we validate code without including sensitive information so we can take action before we publish or share code?

Click through for a couple of options. If you do have GitHub Advanced Security (part of GitHub Enterprise Cloud), you can also create a custom pattern for secret scanning that can include passwords, database connection strings, and the like.

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Synchronous and Asynchronous Replication in Postgres

Semab Tariq takes us through a pair of replication options:

In the world of database replication, choosing between synchronous and asynchronous methods can have a big impact on how reliable, consistent, and fast your data is.

This blog dives into what these methods are, how they work, and when you might want to use one over the other. Whether you’re trying to keep your data super safe or just want it to move quickly, we’ll break down everything you need to know about synchronous and asynchronous replication in PostgreSQL.

Read on for a quick overview of streaming replication and the differences between asynchronous and synchronous options.

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