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Day: May 8, 2024

Discriminated Unions in F# and C#

The NDepend blog talks discriminated unions:

In recent years, there has been a notable surge in inquiries from the C# community regarding language-level support for C# Discriminated Unions. What individuals truly desire is the ability to express complex data structures more elegantly and effectively.

This blog post offers a thorough introduction to simulating Discriminated Unions (DUs) in C# programs, highlighting their usefulness.

Discriminated Unions, also known as “or” types (because you select one from the set of options), are really powerful concepts in functional programming. And this article gives you a way to simulate the approach in C#, at least until C# catches up to F# in this aspect.

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Table Audits with Temporal Tables

Erik Darling is keeping an eye on you:

Sort of recently, a client really wanted a way to figure out if support staff was manipulating data in a way that they shouldn’t have. Straight away: this method will not track if someone is inserting data, but inserting data wasn’t the problem. Data changing or disappearing was.

The upside of this solution is that not only will it detect who made the change, but also what data was updated and deleted.

Read on to see how it works. I’ve used temporal tables for this type of scenario, and they’re fine for stable table designs.

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A Deep Dive into Covering and Non-Covering Indexes

Etienne Lopes goes deeper than I thought:

A few days ago a client brought me a question, he had two tables with the same data, one in each database (same SQL version and compatibility level in different environments with similar infrastructure and configurations). Both tables had an extremely selective column and both had indexes in that column. The thing is that when running a particular query on one Database, let’s call it DB1 here, it was really fast whereas running the same query on the other database (DB2) it was a lot slower. The subset of rows that matched the WHERE clause was the same and it was really small in both cases (since the tables had the same data).

“Ok, let’s have a look at that”, I said, and when doing so, the query running on DB1 was doing a Clustered Index Seek whereas the same query in DB2 was doing a Table Scan. Didn’t I say that both tables had indexes in that column?

Read on for the post. Etienne warns that it’s a big boy of a post, and it covers a lot, including “seek” operations that are scans in disguise, index levels, and more.

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The NOT Keyword in SQL Server

Kevin Wilkie gets tied up in NOTs:

Today, I want to talk about the keyword NOT in SQL Server. It can be your friend or your worst enemy depending upon how you use it. Let’s delve into some examples of what I’m talking about and how it’s easy for people to mess it up.

Look, it’s not that I’m not saying you shouldn’t avoid not using NOT here. It’s just that it’s really hard to get the coveted quintuple-negative in natural speech.

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SQL ConstantCare Population Report for Spring 2024

Brent Ozar has a new chart for us:

The short story: SQL Server 2019 appears poised to swallow the SQL Server market altogether, hahaha.

The long story: ever wonder how fast people are adopting new versions of SQL Server, or what’s “normal” out there for SQL Server adoption rates? Let’s find out in the winter 2023 version of our SQL ConstantCare® population report.

Out of the thousands of monitored SQL Servers, SQL Server 2019 is now at 48% of the market! That’s the highest percentage we’ve seen for any version in the 3 years that we’ve been doing this analysis, up from last quarter’s 44% market share. Here’s how adoption is trending over time, with the most recent data at the right:

Click through for the graph and a bonus excursion on database size and associated hardware. And as always, this is an interesting view of one sample of SQL Server instances, but that sample may not (and probably does not) represent SQL Server usage as a whole.

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Object Dependencies and Referencing Entities

Andy Brownsword takes another look:

Last week we looked at identifying object dependencies through performing a wildcard search on the objects such as procedures. I noted another option could be to use the views such as sys.sql_expression_dependencies and Kevin also commented about using the supporting functions such as sys.dm_sql_referencing_entities.

I wanted to briefly look at both of these options and look at how their results can differ. 

Linkception graf achieved.

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The Benefits of Separating Data from Content in Microsoft Fabric

Tom Martens drives a wedge:

This article is solely about one question: what has to be done if a content creator needs to create and publish reports but the content creator is not allowed to see all the data?

This seems to be a simple requirement: develop content (finally publish the report), but with Row Level Security (RLS) applied.

To answer the question, I think it’s necessary to understand the following core principle, at least to some extent:

  • Workspace roles

Read on for more information about how workspace roles work in this domain.

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