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Versioned State Store in Kafka Streams

Victoria Xia announces new functionality in Apache Kafka 3.5:

Since the introduction of stream processing, there have been three certainties in life: death, taxes, and out-of-order data. As a stream processing library built for Apache Kafka, Kafka Streams processes data in offset order. When out-of-order data is present, offset order differs from timestamp order and care must be taken to ensure that processing results respect timestamp order where appropriate. The introduction of versioned state stores to Kafka Streams in the Apache Kafka 3.5 release is a huge milestone in this direction.

In this blog post, I’ll address the what, why, and how of versioned stores in Kafka Streams, including what they are, why you might like to use them, how to get started, and a couple of things to watch out for when upgrading.

Read on to see what this entails and how you can try it out yourself.