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Day: August 25, 2023

Running Python in Excel

Alex Woodie reports on a new beta:

Excel-maker Microsoft and Anaconda, a key distributor of Python tools, unveiled a collaboration this week that will see Python integrated with Excel.

The new Anaconda Python Distribution in Excel, which is currently in beta, will bring Python data analysis and data science capabilities to the popular spreadsheet program from Microsoft. The integration will enable users to use a variety of Python libraries and tools to prep, manipulate, analyze, and visualize data in Excel.

It’s still in preview, but it is interesting to see.

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Visualizing Univariate Data Distributions in R

Steven Sanderson reviews the shape of the data:

Understanding the distribution of your data is a fundamental step in any data analysis process. It gives you insights into the spread, central tendency, and overall shape of your data. In this blog post, we’ll explore two popular functions in R for visualizing data distribution: density() and hist(). We’ll use the classic Iris dataset for our examples. Additionally, we will introduce the {TidyDensity} library and show how it can be used to create distribution plots.

Click through for three different functions for visualizing the density of a variable.

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Loading OpenStreetMap Data in Postgres

Ryan Lambert gets just the right amount of data:

Populating a PostGIS database with OpenStreetMap data is favorite way to start a new geospatial project. Loading a region of OpenStreetMap data enables you with data ranging from roads, buildings, water features, amenities, and so much more! The breadth and bulk of data is great, but it can turn into a hinderance especially for projects focused on smaller regions. This post explores how to use PgOSM Flex with custom layersets, multiple schemas, and osmium. The goal is load limited data for a larger region, while loading detailed data for a smaller, target region.

The larger region for this post will be the Colorado extract from Geofabrik. The smaller region will be the Fort Collins area, extracted from the Colorado file. The following image shows the data loaded in this post with two maps side-by-side. The minimal data loaded for all of Colorado is shown on the left and the full details of Fort Collins is on the right.

Click through for more details on these two examples.

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Advanced Scenarios for Private Endpoints to Azure SQL MI

Zoran Rilak digs in:

In the previous installment of this mini-series, we covered basic scenarios involving private endpoints. If you aren’t familiar with private endpoints and Private Link in general, it might be a good idea to quickly review them to get the feel of how they apply when Azure SQL Managed Instance is in the mix.

In this article, we’ll dive into more involved scenarios that build on those from last week:

5. Hub and spoke topology

6. Partner or ISV giving access to their customers

7. Two SQLs talking to each other: linked server, transactional replication

8. Failover group listener using private endpoints

Read on for architecture diagrams and descriptions for each of these scenarios.

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Testing Row-Level Security in Power BI

Wolfgang Strasser puts on the Mission Impossible face replacement mask:

Long time, no Power BI blog post from my side. But today I found out, that the testing of your row-level-security (RLS) logic in the Power BI service changed “a little bit” since I last used it.

Whenever you want to test your RLS logic, you can do this in Power BI Desktop (Mange Roles for definition, “View as” for testing).

Click through for an example of how this works. I like this approach a lot because the people who are developing these reports usually have access to everything, so it’s hard to ensure that you got everything right until people start complaining.

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Git Integration for Power BI Reports in Microsoft Fabric

Kevin Chant gives GIt integration a try:

To manage expectations, this post covers:

  1. Brief overview of Microsoft Fabric Git integration.
  2. How I converted a Power BI report to a Power BI Desktop project containing metadata files.
  3. Converting the folder that contains the Desktop project into a Git repository.
  4. Synchronizing the Git repository with Azure DevOps.
  5. Setting up Microsoft Fabric Git integration.
  6. Initial tests.
  7. Interesting workaround to deploy a second Power BI report using metadata.

Read on for Kevin’s thoughts.

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CPU Threads in SQL Server Backups

Andy Yun dives in:

Welcome back to Part 3 of my SQL Server Backup Internals Series.

In Part 1, I introduced the “parts” of a BACKUP Operation and in Part 2, we delved into Backup Buffers. Today, we’re going to talk about what manipulates those Backup Buffers = CPU Threads. This’ll be a longer blog, so go refill your coffee now.

Andy did an outstanding job explaining what reader and writer threads do and how SQL Server picks the numbers of each.

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