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Stream Processing with Flink and Kafka

Konstantin Knauf starts a new series:

There was a huge amount of buzz about Apache Flink® at this year’s Kafka Summit London. From an action-packed keynote to standing-room only breakout sessions, it’s clear that the Apache Kafka® community is hungry to learn more about Flink and how the stream processing framework fits into the modern data streaming stack.

That’s why we’re excited to introduce our new “Inside Flink” blog series that takes a deeper look at why developers and organizations everywhere are shifting their stream processing technologies to Flink. Our first blog post explains what Flink is and how it can enhance your streaming use cases running on Kafka. Future topics will include common Flink use cases, an inside look at Flink SQL, and much more.

Click through for the first post in the series, which covers what Flink is and how the two products can interoperate.