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Month: October 2022

Getting Row Counts for Different DBMS Platforms

Brendan Tierney wants rowcounts:

A little warning before using these queries. They may or may not give the true accurate number of records in the tables. These examples illustrate extracting the number of records from the data dictionaries of the databases. This is dependent on background processes being run to gather this information. These background processes run from time to time, anything from a few minutes to many tens of minutes. So, these results are good indication of the number of records in each table.

Click through for examples in Oracle, MySQL, Postgres, SQL Server, and Snowflake. Though the SQL Server one does need a GROUP BY clause because it’s a sum of the partitions’ rows.

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When Totals in Power BI Look Inaccurate

Marco Russo and Alberto Ferrari ask who you believe, them or your lying eyes:

When looking at a report, it is natural to double-check the numbers produced. The simplest and most intuitive way is to verify whether the total equals the sum of individual rows. This behavior is extremely natural and mostly effective. Nonetheless, the total is the sum of rows only for additive measures, which are measures that are naturally computed as a sum.

When working with business intelligence solutions, sooner or later a developer will author a calculation that is non-additive. At that point, the total can no longer be computed by summing the rows for a very good reason: it would be inaccurate. When users complain about the fact that the rows do not sum up, seasoned BI developers offer a rational explanation of the reasons why the number are not summed: this process often provides a better understanding of how values are computed. Choosing the easy way out of introducing additivity in a naturally non-additive calculation means losing the opportunity to generate accurate calculations, and relying on inaccurate values.

Read on for examples and how to understand how to deal with non-additive or semi-additive features.

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Tips for Getting Technical Help Online

Grant Fritchey provides some tips:

One thing you see a lot is that people, for whatever reason, will absolutely not simply state what the actual problem is. You’ll get stuff like “What SQL Server internal behavior prevents dynamically naming local variables?” And you’re left scratching your head, why on earth would someone want to dynamically name local variables? Only to find out, after lots of comment & discussion, they thought that you needed to rename variables when changing values.

When you get stuck, take a moment to describe the problem, but aim for the root of the problem, not peripheries. “I want to do X. I’m doing X. It looks like this. The results are this when they should be that. What am I doing wrong?” That’s the “magic” formula.

Grant provides several helpful tips for increasing the likelihood that someone will help you find the right answer.

I want to note two quick things here, though. The first is that, quite often, people don’t even know what they intend to ask. In the cited bit above, this quite often comes from basic confusion cascading into specific “I’m stuck here” questions. This leads to foundational misunderstandings between people and frustrates the question-and-answer process.

The second thing I’d note is, be clear in your writing. The biggest tip I have here is to make sure your sentences and ideas flow. In other words, within a paragraph or section, try to keep thoughts related to the key topic and avoid asides or rambling. The reason for this is that your inner monologue can make sense of a variety of asides, but a reader without access to your thoughts will struggle to follow along. Furthermore, it is common to add bits and pieces to a half-finished post, fleshing out details. Before posting, make sure that it makes reading sense. Quite often, people will write a post and then fill in additional details before submission. A common result of this is that you might add some information intended to clarify a point which you actually introduce later in the post.

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Designing Event Streams for Kafka

Dave Shook announces a new course:

Properly designing your events and event streams is essential for any event-driven architecture. Precisely how you design and implement them will significantly affect not only what you can do today, but what you can do tomorrow. For such a critical part of any data infrastructure, most event streaming tutorials gloss over event design.

In the new course on Confluent Developer, events and event streams are put front and center. We’re going to look at the dimensions of event and event stream design and how to apply them to real-world problems. But dimensions and theory are nothing without best practices, so we are also going to take a look at these to help keep you clear of pitfalls and set you up for success. This course also includes hands-on exercises, during which you will work through use cases related to the different dimensions of event design and event streaming.

Click through to learn more about what’s in the course and to check it out–it is free, after all.

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Bitemporal Modeling and Running Totals

John Mount solves a running total problem in Python:

An example of this is wanting to know any many reservations for a San Francisco Symphony concert scheduled for December 4th 2022 are known to have been made by October 22nd 2022. This could be used as part of an attendance demand model that is evaluated on October 22nd 2022. The “fifty-cent word” for this is “bitemporal” modeling or data.

As I read through the solution, my initial thought is that, if the data is in a relational database, a running total operation SUM(reservation_count) OVER (PARTITION BY target_date ORDER BY action_date ROWS BETWEEN UNBOUNDED PRECEDING TO CURRENT ROW) would form the basis of a solution. Still, this is an interesting exercise in translating a SQL operation into equivalent Python and just how much we get to take for granted.

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Fine-Tuning Hugging Face for Named Entity Recognition in Japanese

Tsuyoshi Matsuzaki tries out a named entity recognition project with the Hugging Face library:

Now a lot of AI companies (such as, OpenAI, NLP Cloud, Google, NVIDIA, etc) are providing pre-trained large language models including methods that tune to enable models trained. Among such tools and framework, HuggingFace is widely used and providing over 20,000 transformer-based models.

In this post, I’ll show you brief fine-tuned example of transformer models in Hugging Face for your beginning.
In the last part of this post, I’ll also optimize training with DeepSpeed which is well integrated with HuggingFace transformers.

Click through for the results of this analysis.

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Transferring Data between Dedicated SQL and Spark Pools in Synapse

Sidney Cirqueria shows off a connector available to us in Azure Synapse Analytics:

Usually, customers do this kind of operation using Synapse Apache Spark to load data to Dedicated Pool within Azure Synapse Workspace, but today, I would like to reproduce a different scenario that I was working on one of my support cases.  Consider a scenario where you are trying to load data from Synapse Spark to Dedicated pool (formerly SQL DW) using Synapse Pipelines, and additionally you are using Synapse Workspace deployed with Managed Virtual Network.

The intention of this guide is to help you with which configuration will be required if you need to load data from Azure Synapse Apache Spark to Dedicated SQL Pool (formerly SQL DW). If you prefer take advantage of the new feature-rich capabilities now available via the Synapse workspace and Studio and load data directly from Azure Apache Spark to Dedicated Pool in Azure Synapse Workspace is recommended that you enable Synapse workspace features on an existing dedicated SQL pool (formerly SQL DW).

Read on for a few tips a nd a step-by-step walkthrough of the process.

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Azure SQL DB GP Compute Optimized Performance Comp

Reitse Eskens continues a series on comparing the performance of different Azure SQL DB tiers:

The compute optimized tier starts at 8 cores as a minimum and goes up to 72.
The maximum storage starts at 1 TB and  goes up to 4 TB. The number of TempDB files is undisclosed but the size starts at 37 GB and goes up to 333 GB. A huge difference with the regular provisioned one! The disk limitations are disclosed as well. Log rate starts at 36 Mbps and maxing out at 50. The same goes for the data; starting at 2560 iops and maxing out at 12.800. One iop (or Input Output oPeration) is connected to the disk cluster size. As these are 4 kb, reading or writing one data page (8Kb) equals two iops. 2560 Iops equals something of 10 MB per second. The top end goes to about 50 MB per second. Keep this in mind when you’re working out which tier you need, because usually disk performance can be essential.

Read on to see how it performs on Reitse’s standardized test workload.

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Diagnosing Performance Problems with EvaluateAndLog

Chris Webb wants to sort out some performance issues on calculation groups:

A few weeks ago I wrote a post showing how you can use the new EvaluateAndLog DAX function to diagnose performance problems relating to the use of the Switch function. Did you know that calculation groups can experience similar performance problems though? In some scenarios limited evaluation takes place for all calculation items, not just the one you expect; luckily you can use EvaluateAndLog to diagnose this too. In this post I’ll show you a simple example.

Read on for the example.

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