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Day: October 10, 2022

General Purpose Serverless Azure SQL DB Performance

Reitse Eskens doesn’t need a server:

In my previous blog I wrote about the premium tier, the one that can be compared with the business critical tier. Now we’re moving away from the DTU models and back to what we DBA’ers really understand, cores, memory and disks. Before I’m going to dive into the limitations, there’s one thing you need to understand. The serverless tier is made for intermittent use. If you’re using the tier for more than 25% of the time (or about 183 hours per month), you’re better of going provisioned. This has nothing to do with performance but everything with cost. The tipping point of provisioned being cheaper is around 25% of the time.

There’s some solid advice on how to get the service to go to sleep but the bulk of the article revolves around performance.

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Live Connection vs DirectQuery in Power BI

Chris Webb disambiguates a couple of terms:

It’s very easy to get confused between a Live connections and DirectQuery mode in Power BI: the customers I work with frequently get them mixed up, partly because they are similar concepts, partly because other BI tools use the term “live connection” to refer to what Power BI calls DirectQuery mode. In this post I will explain the differences between these two terms.

Read on for that explanation.

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Failed to Update Server Firewall Rules in Azure

Andy Leonard gets an error:

Recently, I attempted to update the Networking for an Azure SQL Server I use when delivering training. Specifically, I was attempting to set “Public network access” to “Selected networks,” add my client IP, and check the “Allow Azure services and resources to access this server” checkbox – found on the Networking blade for my new Azure server:

Fortunately, this was a case of “read the actual error message, understand the actual error.” It doesn’t always work out that way but it’s nice when it does.

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Query Plans from Incomplete Executions

Erik Darling needs information:

One thing that comes up pretty often when you ask for an actual execution plan, is that the query “never finishes” and one can’t be captured.

Good news! There are ways for you to get execution plans in progress with some of the actual query plan elements inside.

You don’t have to let the query run to completion, but generally if you give it a few minutes you can capture where things are going wrong.

Read on to see how, as well as the limitations of each technique.

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Reading Delta Tables from Power BI via Synapse Serverless

Dan English is up for a data lake change:

In this post I just wanted to show the ability to use the Delta Lake format that is very common now with Power BI. I will go over a quick example of creating the files to reference, building a view to use with Power BI, and then querying the data in Power BI.

In my Synapse Workspace I created a Linked service connection to an Azure SQL Database that has the AdventureWorksLT database loaded which is the sample database you can create when you first create a SQL instance in Azure and here is a walkthrough link and see the Additional settings section.

Dan shows how to create the lake files in delta format via Synapse pipeline and then how to query the data from there.

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