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Category: Deployment

Creating a dacpac for a Dedicated SQL Pool

Kevin Chant shows us how to build out a dacpac file for an Azure Synapse Analytics dedicated SQL Pool:

In reality, you can create a dacpac for a database that’s inside an Azure Synapse Analytics dedicated SQL Pool using a lot of the methods that you use to create them for SQL Server databases.

Azure Data Studio can be an appealing alternative SQL Server Data Tools (SSDT) for tasks like this. Due to various reasons. For instance, it’s a multi-platform solution that is easy to install.

With this in mind, I decided in this post to cover how to create a dacpac for an Azure Synapse Analytics dedicated SQL Pool using Azure Data Studio.

Click through to see how.

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Enumerating Breaking Changes to Power BI Reports

Brett Powell gives us a list of things which might cause breaking changes in Power BI reports:

A breaking change, which we can define as any change to a dataset which causes either reports to render errors or the dataset to fail to refresh, can severely impact business workflows and reflect poorly on those responsible for the solution. Given significant investments in other areas of the organization’s data estate such as Azure Synapse Analytics, a simple, easily avoidable oversight in a Power BI deployment may not be tolerated.

Read on for the list.

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Creating an Azure SQL Database from Powershell

Gijs Reijn shows how to automate the process of creating an Azure SQL Database using Powershell:

Before you can create an Azure SQL database, you must create an Azure SQL server to host it on. Assuming you’re already authenticated to Azure:

Open PowerShell on your local computer and create the Azure SQL server that will host the Azure SQL database.

The command below is creating an Azure SQL server called sqlestate in the prerequisite resource group with a SQL admin username of SqlAdministrator and a password of AVeryStrongP@ssword0. The command is saving the output of the New-AzSqlServer cmdlet to use attributes from the server created later.

Read on for the step-by-step breakdown and full script.

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Executing GitHub Actions via CLI

Kevin Chant uses the GitHub CLI:

In this post I want to share some advice about using GitHub CLI with GitHub Actions for Data Platform deployments. Because I showed that at SQLDay last week.

For those who were not aware, there is a GitHub CLI you can use from the command line. You can download GitHub CLI from here.

Anyway, GitHub CLI was recently updated to support commands for GitHub Actions. GitHub Actions is the CI/CD mechanism that is now available in GitHub. Which I have covered in a few other posts, including the one you can find by clicking here.

Click through to learn more.

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Using Database Projects for Declarative Database Development

Haroon Ashraf explains the principles behind database projects and demonstrates their use:

This article is all about declarative database development using Azure Data Studio for both beginners and professionals who are new to it.

Additionally, some professional life tips in the context of the topic are also shared. The importance of declarative database development over its counterparts can also be fairly understood by going through this article.

Conceptually, I love it. Focusing on the end state is easier to understand. The problem I run into is that the tooling for generating change scripts is not great. It works for trivial database sizes, but as soon as you start talking dozens or hundreds of gigabytes of data, database projects have a tendency to do rather drastic changes which require rebuilding the table, when they could (with a bit of human smarts) perform an action which is much less disruptive. So in the end, you still end up needing to create change scripts.

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Deploying from One Source to Multiple SQL Servers with GitHub Actions

Kevin Chant demystifies GitHub Actions:

In this post I want to share how to deploy from one source to multiple SQL Server database types using GitHub Actions. Because I did a demo of it at Data Saturday Redmond last weekend.

By the end of this post, you will know more about how to do this using GitHub Actions. If you are used to Azure DevOps, you will find this an interesting comparison.

Previously I did a post about how you can do this using Azure DevOps. You can read that post in detail here. Later in this post I also mention an older post here a couple of times so it’s worth keeping that open.

Read on to learn how.

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Granular Deployment of Power BI Changes with ALM Toolkit

Gilbert Quevauvilliers shows off an interesting scenario:

In this blog post I am going to demonstrate how to make a granular deployment where I will create a new column in my City table, and only deploy those changes.

What this means is that by deploying only the column change to my PPU dataset, I am only updating the column in the table.

This now saves me from doing the following tasks previously:

– Time taken to refresh the PBIX file so that the data is up to date.
– Re-uploading my PBIX.
– If configured re-creating the incremental refreshing
– Time and effort to upload and wait for dataset refresh.
– Quick updates to my dataset.

I will not have to worry about saving my PBIX file, file and if configured re-creating the incremental refreshing. This saves me a lot of time and effort.

Click through to see those steps in action.

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Error Messages on SSDT Database Project Deployments

Chris Johnson has some advice if you’re hitting an error when deploying a SQL Server Data Tools database project:

Today I’d like to talk about three error messages you might see when deploying an SSDT database project, either through Visual Studio or via a dacpac and script. I’m going to focus here on what you see from inside of Visual Studio, but you will see similar errors returned when you deploy using a script and the reasons behind them will be the same.

Read on for Chris’s findings. These errors definitely aren’t a complete survey of possible messages, but they do hit some of the less obvious cases.

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Deploying Azure Data Services via Terraform

Chris Adkin has two additional parts of a series. Part 3 shows us how to deploy a virtual machine on VMware:

To do this you require an Ubuntu virtual machine, I’ve tested this with Ubuntu 18.04 LTS and I will get around to testing it with Ubuntu 20.10 at some stage. If for example the virtual machine was created with a user called azuser, the deployment server should also have an azuser account under which all Terraform commands are executed. 

Part 4 takes those VMs and set up a Kubernetes cluster across them:

Whatever you do when deploying a Kubernetes cluster, somewhere along the line you have to use kubeadm. There is a wealth of material available on blog posts and on the internet in general in which people roll there own scripts using kubeadm. I often suspect that many of these efforts are the result of Kelsey Hightower’s: Kubernetes the hard wayIn this post we are emphatically going to do things the easy way, […]

And now we’re caught up on the series…for the moment, at least.

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