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Category: Deployment

Creating Elastic Jobs in TerraForm

Josephine Bush builds a script:

If you aren’t familiar with Terraform and its requisite bits and pieces, I have a post that walks you through them. Let’s hit the ground running. To create Elastic Jobs with Terraform, you need to use the azapi_resource, but before we go down that path, you will use the azurerm resource to create some supporting objects.

Read on for a guide covering requirements and setup.

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Target Platform Error Deploying DACPAC to Azure SQL DB

Kunal Rathi troubleshoots an issue:

While deploying a DACPAC project to Azure SQL database using Azure DevOps, you may come across ‘A project which specifies SQL Server 2022 as the target platform cannot be published to Azure SQL Database v12.’ error. In this article, we will see how to fix this issue.

There are plenty of errors in Microsoft products that make little to no sense. This is, by contrast, a rather straightforward one, and Kunal shows how to resolve it.

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Database Snapshots for Deployment and Rollback

Andy Brownsword hits upon an underrated feature in SQL Server:

Deploying database changes are relatively easy. Where things get complicated is the rollback. Sure, it’s easy to script out and revert a procedure to a previous version, but what about destructive changes?

In this post we’ll look at how we can use Database Snapshots to remove some of the headache that comes with rolling back changes.

Read on to learn more. The most exciting thing I did with database snapshots was to create a simple app for my developers to take a snapshot (without needing to know the T-SQL behind it), make whatever changes they needed to, and then roll back or roll forward the changes.

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Viewing the File System of an ADO Pipeline Agent

Justin Bird goes spelunking:

There are several predefined variables that you can use within an Azure DevOps pipeline, some of which allow you to reference locations on the pipeline agent file system. Examples of when to use them might be to pick up a file from the downloaded repository or to describe where to output a build. For example the variable $(Build.ArtifactStagingDirectory) will be replaced during the defining of the pipeline job with the respective filepath.

I find it difficult at times to work abstractly with the file system, and so I use this template to visualise the file system for debugging purposes, to observe the outcome of my code, and to make sure I’m picking the right variable.

Click through for some more information about pre-defined variables and a code snippet Justin uses to view filesystem details.

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Script Tasks in Azure DevOps Pipelines

Justin Bird builds a script task:

There are several dedicated script tasks that can be used for different purposes, some of the tasks have shortcut tasks which require much less input and are arguably easier to read. In the examples below, I have included the required inputs needed to run the scripts but in most cases, other optional inputs are available.

This looks pretty similar to the way you’d do it in GitHub Actions workflows as well—no surprise there, considering that the same group of people who built pipelines in ADO handled Actions in GitHub.

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Deployment and Release Strategies for Fabric CI/CD

Marc Lelijveld digs into CI/CD topics:

Recently, I wrote a blog about the new branch-out feature in Git connected Fabric and Power BI workspaces. In this blog, I will continue the topic of Git integration by discussing various setups you could consider in your Git integration, deployment and release strategies as part of your continuous integration and continuous delivery setup.

Will you connect Git only to your development workspace, or to all stages? And how do you handle your deployment? Keep reading to find out the different patterns you can consider!

Hey, I’m the one who’s supposed to tell people to read on to learn more!

Marc does a great job of laying out three patterns, so I’ll just complain a bit instead. The fact that this has been out for a year and still doesn’t support GitHub is annoying. I know that it’s scheduled to come out in Q3 of 2024, so it’s hopefully just a few months away. But it’s still annoying.

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Deploying a Power BI Project File via Azure DevOps

Angela Henry deploys to prod:

When it was announced there was a collective cheer from Power BI source control advocates heard ’round the world. Since it’s preview release, Microsoft has also added GIT integration with Fabric workspaces. This makes it so easy to incorporate source control for all (or almost all) of your Fabric artifacts, including Power BI.

But what happens when your organization already has a mature CI/CD process in place using Azure DevOps? Do you really want to break from that pattern and have it controlled somewhere else? That’s what this post is about, using Azure DevOps CI/CD pipelines to deploy your Power BI Project files (.pbip).

I’m going to share my experience in hopes that it will save you some time if this is the route you need to take.

Read on for Angela’s experience. Note that this applies both to Microsoft Fabric as well as a Fabric-less Power BI.

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Using Project Configuration for SSIS Package Deployment

Andy Brownsword shows us the brand new (well, okay, 12 years old) deployment model for Integration Services:

Last week we looked at configuring SSIS packages using package configuration. This week we’ll look at another approach for configuration: Project Configuration

Project Configuration is the standard way to configure projects. This took over from the legacy approach which we looked at last week. This method allows us to share common parameters and connections across an entire project to help managing a number of packages more efficient.

Read on to see how it works.

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