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Integrating Power BI Deployment Pipelines with Azure DevOps

Marc Lelijveld shows how you can combine Power BI deployment pipelines with Azure DevOps:

Looking at theĀ Power BI release plan, dataflow support for Deployment Pipelines is coming up shortly! Currently it is scheduled for June 2021 to reach the public preview state. Versioning and DevOps integration go hand-in-hand to our opinion. With Azure DevOps Git integration, we can overcome the versioning challenge while integrating with Azure DevOps at the same time, as described in the previous blog in 2019. Today, we release a new version of the DevOps implementation which uses native Power BI functionality. Stay tuned!

As we really like the metadata deployment and the ease of setup a pipeline in the Power BI Service, Ton and I decided to setup an Azure DevOps extension based on the recently releasedĀ Power BI REST APIs for Deployment Pipelines. Although Microsoft promised to come-up with a native DevOps extension over time, we decided to go for it. Time to bridge the gap!

Read on for more details.