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Author: Kevin Feasel

SSAS Timezone Conversions

Meagan Longoria notes that last processed date is UTC but the Properties page is local time:

The datetime returned by this query is in UTC. My query returns 9/19/2016 7:43:03 PM.

If I go into the properties of my SSAS database, I can see this same info, but the timezone conversion has already been done for me (this server is in Central time zone).

I think that on net, that’s the best way to do it:  store everything in UTC and use the presentation layer to convert those to local times.

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SQL Server 2014 SMO And TruncateData

Max Trinidad finds a version inconsistency in SMO:

Hum! I just found out that in SQL Server 2014 (SP2 installed), while migrating from SQL Server 2005, one of my PowerShell script (I’ve been using for a long time) that uses SMO to truncate tables. But, when running it against a SQL Server 2014 database, I’m getting an error:

“..this property is not available on SQL Server 2014.”

For mi surprise, I ran the same PowerShell script against SQL Server 2016 and it works fine.

That seems rather odd.  If this affects you, vote up his UserVoice item.

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Changing Identity Start Value

Kenneth Fisher has a good post on what happens when you change the seed value of an identity column:

Well Paul told me this wasn’t the case. Now when Paul tells me something I believe him, but I also like to run tests. So I decided to usesys.fn_PhysLocCracker(%%physloc%%). %%physloc%% returns a varbinary that gives you the location of the row. When passed tosys.fn_PhysLocCracker(%%physloc%%) it returns the database file, page in the file, and slot number where the row can be found. So to start with I create an identity(1,1) and I run 20 inserts, one at a time, checking row locations each time. This is to confirm I’m right about this part.

Clicking through is worth it for the hypnotizing animated GIFs.

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SSMS Connection Colors

Andrew Pruski shows how to change window bar colors within SQL Server Management Studio:

A simple but effective setting in SQL Server Management Studio is using custom colours to identify which server you are about to execute a query on. It’s simple to setup but not everyone who uses SSMS is aware of it so I thought I’d quickly run through the steps here.

This is a nice visual way of figuring out you’re in production before you run that truncate table script.

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Azure SQL Data Warehouse Setup

Arun Sirpal configures a new instance of Azure SQL Data Warehouse:

The information shown here is the DSQL (Distributed SQL) plan – When you send a SQL query to SQL Data Warehouse, the Control node processes a query and converts the code to DSQL then the Control node sends the command to run in each of the compute nodes.

The returned query plan depicts sequential SQL statements; when the query runs it may involve parallelized operations, so some of the sequential statements shown may run at the same time. More information can be found at the following URL

Arun also looks at running a simple Power BI report off of Azure SQL Data Warehouse; click through for that.

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Reporting On Unstructured Data

Jen Underwood discusses a tool which helps provide structure to text documents:

Although there are a variety of ways to extract unstructured data from files, one tried-and-true, fast and simple approach is to use Datawatch Monarch. Years ago I used this tool when building Department of Defense digital contract reporting projects. At that time, the process to define data regions and extract unstructured data required a bit of field mapping experimentation. With the latest version of Monarch Auto Define, that process is intelligently automated today.

Looks like an interesting tool.

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One-Sample T Tests

Mala Mahadevan shows how to perform one-sample T Tests:

For this post I decided to go with a simple example of how many steps I walked with my per day for the month of August. My goal is 10,000 steps per day – that has been my average over the year but is this true of the data I gathered in August? I have a simple table with two columns – day and steps. Each record has how many steps I took in August per day, for 30 days. So – SELECT AVG(steps) FROM [dbo].[mala-steps] gives me 8262 as my average number of steps per day in August. I want to know if am consistently under performing my goal, or if this is a result of my being less active in August alone. Let me state my problem first – or state what is called ‘null hypothesis’:

I walk 10,000 steps on an average per year. 

Read on for T test operations in T-SQL (although not all operations are available) and R.

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Clickstream Anomaly Detection

Chris Marshall shows how to perform anomaly detection using AWS Kinesis Analytics:

The RANDOM_CUT_FOREST function greatly simplifies the programming required for anomaly detection.  However, understanding your data domain is paramount when performing data analytics.  The RANDOM_CUT_FOREST function is a tool for data scientists, not a replacement for them.  Knowing whether your data is logarithmic, circadian rhythmic, linear, etc. will provide the insights necessary to select the right parameters for RANDOM_CUT_FOREST.  For more information about parameters, see the RANDOM_CUT_FOREST Function.

Fortunately, the default values work in a wide variety of cases. In this case, use the default values for all but the subSampleSize parameter.  Typically, you would use a larger sample size to increase the pool of random samples used to calculate the anomaly score; for this post, use 12 samples so as to start evaluating the anomaly scores sooner.

Your SQL query outputs one record every ten seconds from the tumbling window so you’ll have enough evaluation values after two minutes to start calculating the anomaly score.  You are also using a cutoff value where records are only output to “DESTINATION_SQL_STREAM” if the anomaly score from the function is greater than 2 using the WHERE clause. To help visualize the cutoff point, here are the data points from a few runs through the pipeline using the sample Python script:

This kind of scenario is pretty cool—you could also do things like detecting service outages in streams (fewer than X events in a window, where X is some very small number relative to your overall data) or changes in advertising campaigns.

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Deadlocks In Apache Ignite

Prachi Garg discusses Deadlock-Free Transactions in Apache Ignite:

When transactions in Ignite are performed with concurrency mode -OPTIMISTIC and isolation level -SERIALIZABLE, locks are acquired during transaction commit with an additional check allowing Ignite to avoid deadlocks. This also prevents cache entries from being locked for extended periods and avoids “freezing” of the whole cluster, thus providing high throughput. Furthermore, during commit, if Ignite detects a read/write conflict or a lock conflict between multiple transactions, only one transaction is allowed to commit. All other conflicting transactions are rolled back and an exception is thrown, as explained in the section below.

This sounds pretty similar to how SQL Server’s In-Memory OLTP works.

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Asynchronous Mirroring And Asynchronous AGs

Tara Kizer contrasts asynchronous database mirroring with asynchronous Availability Groups:


For asynchronous Database Mirroring, all we need is two servers: the principal at the primary site and the secondary at the DR site. Setup async mirroring between the two, and you’re done. If the secondary server goes down, production still continues. The transaction log isn’t clearing when the log backups occur because the principal still needs to send those log records to the secondary. As long as you have enough disk space where the transaction log resides to support this until the secondary server comes back online, production still continues. Of course if you run out of disk space, users will start receiving errors. But that can take some time and often times is enough time to get the secondary back online.

Availability Groups are more difficult to implement than database mirroring, but the flipside is that they’re much more powerful.

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