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Author: Kevin Feasel

Combining Densities

Paul White explains how the SQL Server cardinality estimator will build an estimate involving multiple single-column statistics:

The task of estimating the number of rows produced by a GROUP BY clause is trivial when only a single column is involved (assuming no other predicates). For example, it is easy to see that GROUP BY Shelf will produce 21 rows; GROUP BY Bin will produce 62.

However, it is not immediately clear how SQL Server can estimate the number of distinct (Shelf, Bin) combinations for our GROUP BY Shelf, Bin query. To put the question in a slightly different way: Given 21 shelves and 62 bins, how many unique shelf and bin combinations will there be? Leaving aside physical aspects and other human knowledge of the problem domain, the answer could be anywhere from max(21, 62) = 62 to (21 * 62) = 1,302. Without more information, there is no obvious way to know where to pitch an estimate in that range.

Yet, for our example query, SQL Server estimates 744.312 rows (rounded to 744 in the Plan Explorer view) but on what basis?

Read on for debugger usage, Shannon entropy calculations, and all kinds of other fun stuff.

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Thinking About Implicit Conversions

Bert Wagner shows how implicit conversions in a predicate can ruin query performance:

Why? Because SQL is performing that implicit conversion to the numeric datatype for every single row in my table. Hence, it can’t seek using the index because it ends up having to scan the whole table to convert every record to a number first.

And this doesn’t only happen with numbers and string conversion. Microsoft has posted an entire chart detailing what types of data type comparisons will force an implicit conversion:

This is one of those things that can easily elude you because the query will often return results in line with what you expect, so until you have a performance problem, you might not even think to check.

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Missing Index DMV Limitations

Brent Ozar goes into detail on why you should not blindly trust missing index recommendations in SQL Server:

SQL Server’s telling us that it needs an index to do an equality search on LastAccessDate – because our query says LastAccessDate = ‘2016/11/10’.

But in reality, that’s not how you access datetime fields because it won’t give you everyone who accessed the system on 2016/11/10 – it only gives you 2016/11/10 00:00:00. Instead, you need to see everyone on that day, like this:

Read the whole thing.  The crux of this is that the missing index recommendation process only gets to see what you’re running at the time you run it, so it can’t generalize all that well; that’s your job.

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Selecting Into A Specific Filegroup

Andrew Pruski shows off a new feature in SQL Server 2017:

Now I can run the SELECT…INTO statement using the new ON FILEGROUP option. I’m going to run an example SELECT statement to capture Sales in the UK: –

We are one step closer to CTAS on-prem…  Being able to select into a specific filegroup is nice when you want to segregate tables by filegroup to make recovery of the most critical tables faster:  having a primary filegroup, and then a filegroup for the critical tables for your application, followed by the history tables and other large tables that the app doesn’t need immediately.

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Isolation Level Basics

Randolph West describes the primary isolation levels in SQL Server:

There are four isolation levels in SQL Server (as quoted from SQL Server Books Online):

  • Read uncommitted (the lowest level where transactions are isolated only enough to ensure that physically corrupt data is not read)
  • Read committed (Database Engine default level)
  • Repeatable read
  • Serializable (the highest level, where transactions are completely isolated from one another)

Read on for a discussion of what these mean, as well as how optimistic versus pessimistic concurrency (in this case, Read Committed Snapshot Isolation versus Read Committed) comes into play.

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The Data Lake From 10,000 Feet

Pradeep Menon has a high-level explanation of what a data lake is and how it differs from traditional data warehouses:

With the changes in the data paradigm, a new architectural pattern has emerged. It’s called as the Data Lake Architecture. Like the water in the lake, data in a data lake is in the purest possible form. Like the lake, it caters to need to different people, those who want to fish or those who want to take a boat ride or those who want to get drinking water from it, a data lake architecture caters to multiple personas. It provides data scientists an avenue to explore data and create a hypothesis. It provides an avenue for business users to explore data. It provides an avenue for data analysts to analyze data and find patterns. It provides an avenue for reporting analysts to create reports and present to stakeholders.

The way I compare a data lake to a data warehouse or a mart is like this:

Data Lake stores data in the purest form caters to multiple stakeholders and can also be used to package data in a form that can be consumed by end-users. On the other hand, Data Warehouse is already distilled and packaged for defined purposes.

One way of thinking about this is that data warehouses are great for solving known business questions:  generating 10K reports or other regulatory compliance reporting, building the end-of-month data, and viewing standard KPIs.  By contrast, the data lake is (among other things) for spelunking, trying to answer those one-off questions people seem to have but which the warehouse never seems to have quite the right set of information.

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A New ODBC Package For R

David Smith looks at the odbc package in R:

The odbc package is a from-the-ground-up implementation of an ODBC interface for R that provides native support for additional data types (including dates, timestamps, raw binary, and 64-bit integers) and parameterized queries. The odbc package provides connections with any ODBC-compliant database, and has been comprehensively tested on SQL Server, PostgreSQL and MySQL. Benchmarks show that it’s also somewhat faster than RODBC: 3.2 times faster for reads, and 1.9 times faster for writes.

Sounds like odbc lets you run ad hoc queries and also lets you use dplyr as an ORM, similar to using Linq in C#.

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Multi-Migration To Azure

Kevin Hill shows how to migrate multiple databases to Azure SQL Database:

Since I might be doing a similar thing in the near future, I decided to see if I could push 4-5 small test databases to Azure SQLDB at the same time (SQL on Azure VM test may come later).  If this happens with my client it will be hundreds of databases, with the same schema but wildly varying sizes.

The “Plan”

  • Create 5 sample databases

  • Create .bacpacs on local drive

  • Create Azure Logical Server if not already done (see step 4)

  • Create a Notepad of SQLPackage.exe commands,  one for each .bacpac

  • Run with “start” in CMD to fire off separate windows

  • Wait.

  • Enjoy.

Worth reading the whole thing.

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Resizing A Linux Partition

Steve Jones shows how to add disk space to a Linux partition:

While working with some SQL Server 2017 tests, I ran out of disk space. I tend to size my VMs around 40GB, and that works for some things, but I’ll run out of space.

I needed to expand the VMWare disk. That doesn’t mean Linux sees the space directly, and I had to figure out how to make the partition bigger. I could have added another disk, but I wanted to work through this process. I learned I needed to have an inactive partition, so I download gparted on a live cd and booted to that.

Steve uses the GUI approach; in the comments, David Klee links to his CLI approach.

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Using The COMPRESS Function In SQL Server

Kendra Little explains the COMPRESS() function in SQL Server 2016:

One cool little feature in SQL Server 2016 is COMPRESS(). It’s a TSQL function available in all editions that shrinks down data using the GZIP algorithm (documentation).

Things to know about COMPRESS():

  • Compressed data is in the VARBINARY(max) data type

  • You get the data “back to normal” by  using the DECOMPRESS function – which also outputs VARBINARY(max)

  • You can’t use columns of the VARBINARY(max) type in an index key column– but it may be useful to use the column as a filter in a filtered index, in some cases

COMPRESS() uses standard GZip compression, so you could use methods other than DECOMPRESS() to inflate the data—for example, bring the compressed data out to your application and use language-specific GZip libraries to decompress the data.  Read the whole thing.

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