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Accessibility in UI Design

Benedict Ampea-Badu shares some tips:

In this last segment of the series, we’ll delve into the crucial elements of navigation and flow, exploring further the part of web accessibility that ensures users can effortlessly navigate online content. Additionally, we’ll shine a spotlight on the indispensable practice of regular testing, an ongoing commitment that goes beyond compliance, providing invaluable insights into real user experiences and fostering continuous improvement.

Ensuring a seamless online experience for everyone and facilitating smooth navigation boils down to adhering to the fundamentals of web accessibility. It boils down to carefully planning how websites are laid out, making it easy for users to explore different things effortlessly. When developers grasp how users interact and tackle possible issues, they go beyond just ticking boxes on a checklist. Instead, they create websites that truly put users first, considering how people actually use and prefer to browse.

This is particularly about accessibility in web applications but many of the same principles apply to things like Power BI reports.