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Using Databricks System Tables

Dustin Vannoy has a primer on system tables in Databricks:

Monitoring is important, so I’ve covered the topic a few times in the past. I’ve talked about collecting your Spark application logs and Spark metrics. These are a good way to track what is happening and what is going wrong as your code runs. In the video related to this post I focus on a different side of monitoring. The evolving capabilities offered by Databricks System Tables. I have some sample queries and links to help you get started and begin to get value from system tables. This will need to be updated (I’ll try) as new tables go into public preview status. So let’s discuss the questions I had when I first started researching this feature:
1) What do the Databricks system tables offer me for monitoring?
2) How much does this overlap with the application logs and metrics?

Click through for a video and a walkthrough.