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Day: February 9, 2024

Building Functions with Spark Connect and .NET

Ed Elliott continues a series on Spark Connect:

I’m pretty much going to leave the code as-is from the previous post but will move things about a bit and add a SparkSession and a DataFrame class. Also, instead of passing the session id and client around i’m going to wrap them in the SparkSession so that we can just pass a single object and also use it to construct the DataFrame so we don’t even have to worry about passing it around.

The first thing is to take all of that gRPC connection stuff and shove in into SparkSession so it is hidden from the callers:

Read on for the end state that Ed is headed toward and how to get closer to that state.

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Recompile Hints and Query Store

Erik Darling talks about one very popular tool and one very popular technique and what happens when they mix:

But let’s say one day you have performance issues regardless of all the recompiling in the world. No matter what set of parameters get passed in, your procedure is just sleepy-dog slow.

Things get so bad that you hire a young, handsome consultant with reasonable rates like myself to help you figure out why.

The plan cache will be pretty useless for troubleshooting the recompile-hinted queries, but we can still use Query Store.

Read on for more detail and a demonstration.

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Oracle SQL Developer for Visual Studio Code

Brendan Tierney takes a look at a new extension for VS Code:

We now have a new/different tool for developers to access their Oracle Databases. Traditionally, developers have been using Oracle SQL Developer for maybe 20+ years (if you started using Project Raptor). SQL Developer has developed into a bit of a big beast of a tool, with it trying to be everything to everyone including developers, DBAs, and others. But it does seem like SQL Developer might be coming to an end of life, although that could be for some years to come as it is so wildly used. There have been many challenges with SQL Developer over the years and one of the main challenges is getting new developers to use it. From my experience, developers tell me they just didn’t like it, didn’t like the look and feel of it, it was difficult to use, etc., etc. The list would go on and on and most of those developers would prefer to use other tools (for example DBeaver). For those that are terminal/command line only person, you have SQL*Plus and the modern version called SQLCl (SQL Command Line).

Read on for a review of how the extension is today, with the promise of regular improvements from Oracle over time.

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