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Day: February 2, 2024

Row Re-Ordering in Shiny Apps

Stephane Laurent does a bit of work:

The ‘RowReorder’ extension of datatables is available in the DT package. This extension allows to reorder the rows of a DT table by dragging and dropping. However, if you enable this extension in a Shiny app for a table using the server-side processing (option server=TRUE in renderDT), that won’t work: each time the rows are reordered, they will jump back to their original locations.

Read on to see what you need to do in that case, as well as an example of how to do it. H/T R-Bloggers.

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Where the Bayesian and Frequentist Approaches Meet

Sebastian Sauer bridges the gap:

However, a disadvantage of Bayes analysis, at least at its current state, is that it has higher technical and computational demands. For beginners in particular, this may present a substantial (entry) burden. Teaching statistics, I have found that students (and many colleagues) have had difficulties installing Stan (particularly the C++ compiler needed in order to run Stan); Stan is the probabilistic programming language which many front-end Bayes engines use such as brms in R.

Thus, the installation process being not so user-friendly, a burden is placed for beginners which may prevent using Bayes methods.

In that light, this post explores the numerical simarilities of Bayes regression models and Frequentis models. The idea is to use a Frequentist regression model as a proxi for a full Bayesian analysis. The value added is the quick computation and the simple technical setup.

Click through for the conditions where you’ll find very similar results, as well as a few examples of it in action.

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An Overview of Join Elimination

Chad Callihan doesn’t need solo rows; he needs team players:

SQL Server can be pretty smart when it comes to avoiding work it’s not required to do. One instance of this is the concept of join elimination. Join elimination occurs when queries involving joins may only need to check one table instead of two (or more) based on foreign key constraints.

Let’s take a look at join elimination in action.

Read on for one example of join elimination and one more reason why those foreign key constraints are so useful.

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SQL Server Setup Config Files and Per-Version Maintenance

Aaron Bertrand diagnoses a problem:

We came across a new error during SQL Server setup that returned zero useful search results:

The setting ‘COMMFABRICPORT’ specified is not recognized.

I did not find too many mentions of this argument at all, never mind in that specific phrase – though now that I wrote this, it might start returning this post. Most mentions came from probably a single sample copy of ConfigurationFile.ini offered on a blog post from the ~2017 timeframe.

Read on to learn more about this, as well as short-term and long-term fixes for managing your installation config files.

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Parallelism Options in Powershell

Rod Edwards enumerates the list:

This is one that I should have learnt way earlier than I actually did if i’m being completely honest. One of my colleagues wrote a cool function for multithreading, and although this isn’t it, it did made me look into how it all worked.

Some of the techniques can be quite complicated, especially for a DBA who’s not as experienced with Powershell yet (and a ForEach loop just works right?) so I thought i’d post about the simplier methods that can be employed, and tweaks to get most of the benefits, without the complexity.

So, lets jump straight into it.

Rod does focus on Powershell jobs and thread jobs, so check out how those work. A while back, I had a comment here talking about the various options though Rod has definitely put a lot more effort into this task.

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The State of CI/CD in Power BI

Paul Turley violates Betteridge’s Law of Headlines:

The answer – finally – is a resounding YES! It has been a long road and the path to implementing Continuous Integration & Delivery (CI/CD) in all of its forms for Power BI is still a journey, but the capabilities are now a reality. This broad category includes a range of features and capabilities related to managing project files with version control and the ability to share and collaborate with other development team members. Additionally, we also have the ability to assign individual components of a solution to different team members who then check-out files and develop features, check them back in and merge changes into a feature branch. In enterprise-class projects, having these capabilities enables true Development Operations or DevOps: a process for managing iterative development, testing and deployment with automated builds, using a central process management tool. Implementing full-fledged DevOps is a big lift for most Business Intelligence professionals but the core concept of code version control is essential for any durable project.

Read on for Paul’s thoughts on the importance of source control and how you can pull this off.

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