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Month: August 2023

Group Replication in MySQL

Aisha Bukar continues a series on replication in MySQL:

MySQL Group replication is a remarkable feature introduced in MySQL 5.7 as a plugin. This technology allows you to create a reliable group of database servers. One of the most important features of MySQL’s group replication is that it allows these servers to store redundant data. This allows the database state to be replicated across multiple servers making it efficient in the situation where there is a server breakdown, the other servers in the cluster can agree to work together.

This technology is built on top of the MySQL InnoDB storage engine and employs a multi-source replication approach which we discussed in part 3 of the replication series. In this article, we’d be looking at an overview of the group replication technique, configuring and managing group replication, and also best practices for group replication. So, let’s get started!

Read on to see how it works and some recommendations around using it.

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Plotting Multiple Histograms in R

Steven Sanderson shows us two libraries to plot two histograms:

Histograms are a powerful tool for visualizing the distribution of numerical data. They allow us to quickly understand the frequency distribution of values within a dataset. In this tutorial, we’ll explore how to create multiple histograms using two popular R packages: base R and ggplot2. By the end of this guide, you’ll be able to confidently display multiple histograms on a single graph using both methods.

Click through for more than two examples.

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Powershell Quizzes

Jeff Hicks wants you to think fast:

Time to get back to the to blog. I’ve been working through my backlog of projects. These are things that I started writing or updating but then got pushed to the back of the line. One of these projects is a PowerShell module I wrote as a teaching tool. The idea was to create short quizzes on PowerShell topics that someone could take in a PowerShell session. My idea was to create quizzes on PowerShell topics, but you can create a quiz on anything. If you want to try things out, install the PSQuizMaster module from the PowerShell Gallery. The module will work in Windows PowerShell and PowerShell 7, including cross-platform.

Read on to see what’s in a quiz and how to create your own quiz.

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File Not Found in SQL Server 2022 with Distributed AG and Filestream

Sean Gallardy goes sleuthing:

I don’t often find many people using FileStream in their databases (which isn’t a bad or good thing, in my opinion, just a statement of fact). Some technologies in SQL Server use it behind the scene, such as FileTable or Hekaton, and there isn’t really any getting around it in those cases. However, I was brought an interesting issue by a friend on Database Administrators Stack Exchange, Hannah Vernon (w), when it came to a database that was in a Distributed Availability Group in 2019 and had no issues, but after upgrading to SQL Server 2022, started having a major problem.

Read on for Sean’s analysis of the problem and solution.

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ADX Date and Time Representations in Power Query and Power BI

Dany Hoter does some explaining:

Data in ADX (aka Kusto aka RTA in Fabric) almost always has columns that contain datetime values like 2023-08-01 16:45 and sometimes timespan values like 2 hours or 36 minutes.

In this article I’ll describe how these values are represented in ADX in Power Query and in Power BI.

Notice that I don’t just say Power BI because timespan values have different types in Power Query and in Power BI.

Read on for those details.

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CREATE OR ALTER and sp_ Procedures

Louis Davidson hits an edge case:

It isn’t that such objects are to be completely avoided, it is that they are ONLY to be used when you need the special qualities. Ola Hallengren’s backup solution creates a dbo.sp_BackupServer procedure so you can run the backup command from any database.

But if you don’t need the special properties of the sp_procedure, they are bad for the reasons Aaron stated, the reason I stumbled upon today being just a special subset. In this case CREATE OR ALTER behaves differently than CREATE in a way that was really confusing to me as I was working on a piece of code today.

Read on for Louis’s tale of woe and confusion, but mostly confusion.

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Accessing OneLake Files from Power BI Desktop

Marc Lelijveld reads a file:

Fabric content is all over the place by now. In Fabric, as a SaaS platform, most (if not all) services have interconnectivity. In a few clicks you connect your web-developed Power BI dataset to a lakehouse, or warehouse to fetch data from OneLake. But what about Power BI Desktop? You might have uploaded some files to OneLake which you cannot access from Power BI Desktop.

In this blog I’ll explain on how you can connect to OneLake data using Power BI Desktop!

This turns out to be a bit trickier than I would have expected. Hopefully the experience gets better over time.

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External Table is Not in the Expected Format for Power Query

Chris Webb handles an error:

Sometimes when you’re importing data from files using Power Query in either Power BI or Excel you may encounter the following error:

DataFormat.Error: External table is not in the expected format

What causes it? TL;DR it’s because you’re trying to load data from one type of file, probably Excel (I don’t think you can get this error with any other source but I’m not sure), and actually connecting to a different type of file.

Read on for an example, a more detailed description of when you’d get the error, and how to fix it.

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Running Python in Excel

Alex Woodie reports on a new beta:

Excel-maker Microsoft and Anaconda, a key distributor of Python tools, unveiled a collaboration this week that will see Python integrated with Excel.

The new Anaconda Python Distribution in Excel, which is currently in beta, will bring Python data analysis and data science capabilities to the popular spreadsheet program from Microsoft. The integration will enable users to use a variety of Python libraries and tools to prep, manipulate, analyze, and visualize data in Excel.

It’s still in preview, but it is interesting to see.

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