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Month: August 2023

Running Queries across SQL Server Databases

Ed Pollack has a query to run in many places:

A challenge that reappears periodically in the world of databases (especially database management) is the need to run code on a subset of databases and to do so in a nuanced manner. Some maintenance or metrics collection processes can be simply run against every database on a server with no ill-effect, but others may be app-specific, or need to omit specific sets of databases.

This article dives into how to create and customize your own solution, tackling everything from filtering databases to validating schema elements to error-handling.

It does surprise me a bit that there’s no officially supported built-in solution for this. I’ve used sp_foreachdb a lot because it’s readily available, free, and works better than sp_msforeachdb, though there are several available options for this task.

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Updates to Change Data Capture in ADF

Chen Hirsh looks at some updates:

A few months ago I wrote a post about the new feature of change data capture (CDC) on Azure data factory (ADF) –

Change data capture, as the name suggests, gets the data changes on one system, and replicates them to another. Since this is a task that data engineers do a lot, this was a very welcome addition to ADF.

In this post, we’ll explore what is new on this front.

Click through for what’s new, though do be cognizant of which items are in GA and which are still in preview.

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Finding a Particular Query Plan in Query Store’s UI

Andrea Allred does a search:

I have this problem where I want to see how a newly released query is performing, but it may not be bad enough to make any of the canned reports that SQL Server provides in QueryStore. I was able to look up the plan handle, but always struggled to get to the query id for QueryStore, until now.

Click through for a query to retrieve the query ID and then how to find data on that particular query. I’d also recommend QDSToolbox for more detailed query analysis.

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