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Building a Shiny App to Show Star Maps

Benjamin Smith builds a UI:

Recently, I released a R package called starBliss that aimed to replicate the output of a e-commerce site called MapsForMoments – a site which lets users order custom prints of the night sky on the date of their choosing (usually a special occasion such as a birthday, first date, wedding etc.) and allows them to choose a style, and add some custom text. It was a great experience getting to build the package which replicated the MapsForMoments product and I was shocked to see how well it was received when I posted about it- with the Github receiving over 30 stars at the time of writing this blog!

I decided to take this to the next level by trying to build a similar UI in shiny which allows the user to create a custom star map and not need to use the R console. In this blog I share my experience constructing and showcase the “free alternative” to MapsForMoments – starBlissGUI!

Click through to see how you can run the app, as well as a sample output.