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Day: January 18, 2022

Configuring a Debezium Connector for Event Hub Streaming

Niels Berglund continues a series:

This series came about as I in the post How to Use Kafka Client with Azure Event Hubs, somewhat foolishly said:

An interesting point here is that it is not only your Kafka applications that can publish to Event Hubs but any application that uses Kafka Client 1.0+, like Kafka Connect connectors!

I wrote the above without testing it myself, so when I was called out on it, I started researching (read “Googling”) to see if it was possible. The result of the “Googling” didn’t give a 100% answer, so I decided to try it out, and this series is the result.

In the first post, – as mentioned – we configured Kafka Connect to connect into Event Hubs. In this post, we look at configuring the Debezium connector.

Click through and enjoy the fruits of Berglund’s Folly—which, as far as it goes, I’d still rate Seward’s Folly higher but this one’s pretty good too.

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Automating Azure SQL DB Maintenance with Data Factory

Hiten Bhavsar works around the lack of SQL Agent:

As we know, it’s crucial that you run Database maintenance regularly in order to keep your database performance up with the latest statistics and healthy indexes, here we provide another way to schedule this job using Azure Data Factory; this can be done on a scheduled time interval weekly/bi-weekly/monthly.

Click through for the process and try not to think too hard about this secretly being maintenance plans all over again.

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Auto-Failover Groups for Azure SQL Hyperscale

Melody Zacharias fills us in on a recent announcement:

On January 5th they announced, auto-failover groups for Azure SQL Hyperscale are now available in preview. Auto-failover groups is a feature that allows you to manage the failover and replication of a group of databases on a server or managed instance from one region to another region in Azure. This can be done manually or in conjunction with a user-defined policy. 

Click through for more information on how it all works.

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Appending Date to File Name in SSIS

Jason Jenkins needs a dynamic filename:

In a recent project we needed to create an SSIS package to export data from a SQL Server table to a CSV file.  One of the requirements was to dynamically append the date to the file name each time a file was generated. This post will cover how to create a dynamic file name with the date included (YYYYMMDD format) in the file name.

Click through to see how. Hint: it’s expressions. It’s always expressions with SSIS.

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Extending Page Compression Checks

Eitan Blumin builds on a prior Paul Randal post:

So, here is my own expansion to Paul’s script, which adds the following:

* Outputs a remediation command to REBUILD each relevant index with ROW compression.

* The script has parameters for:

– Minimum number of compression attempts

– Maximum success rate percentage

– Index rebuild options

* The script outputs additional details such as:

– Whether the index/table in question is partitioned or not.

– Range-scan percentage

– Leaf-level updates percentage

* It runs the check for ALL accessible and writeable databases.

Click through for the script.

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Setting up a Power BI Workspace

Marc Lelijveld has a new two-parter:

Time for a more governance related blog this time. It will be a series of two blogs, where in this first part, I will elaborate on the overall setup of your Power BI workspace and naming. The second part will continue about workspace permissions, sharing and ownership. I feel this is a wide topic and therefore deserves a separate blog.

In this part, focus on the overall setup of workspaces. In my work at various clients, I regularly encounter situations where there is a lot of confusion around workspaces, the scope of a workspace, audience and naming. A blog not only for Power BI tenant administrators, but also for passionate Power BI content creators to better understand each other’s standpoints.

Click through for part one and stay tuned for part two.

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Simple Mapping Data Flows in Synapse

Joshuha Owen announces a new feature:

This week, we are excited to announce the public preview for Map Data, a new feature for Azure Synapse Analytics and Database Templates! The Map Data tool is a guided process to help users create ETL mappings and mapping data flows from their source data to Synapse lake database tables without writing code. This experience will help you get started with transformations into your Synapse Lake database quickly but still give you the power of Mapping Data Flows.

This process starts with the user choosing the destination tables in Synapse lake databases and then mapping their source data into these tables. We will be following up with a demo video shortly.

Click through for more details on how it works.

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