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Day: January 17, 2022

MLOps on Databricks

Piotr Majer and Michael Shtelma complete a series on MLOps on Databricks:

This is the second part of a two-part series of blog posts that show an end-to-end MLOps framework on Databricks, which is based on Notebooks. In the first post, we presented a complete CI/CD framework on Databricks with notebooks. The approach is based on the Azure DevOps ecosystem for the Continuous Integration (CI) part and Repos API for the Continuous Delivery (CD). This post extends the presented CI/CD framework with machine learning providing a complete ML Ops solution.

Check it out.

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Azure ML Deployments and Endpoints

I continue a series on low-code machine learning with Azure ML:

The first thing we need to do is create an inference pipeline. Inference pipelines differ from training pipelines in that they won’t use the training dataset, but they will accept user input and provide a scored response. There are two types of inference pipeline: real-time and batch. Real-time inference pipelines are intended for small-set work. We’ll host a service on some compute resource in Azure and people will make REST API calls to our service, sending in a request with a few items to score and we send back classification results.

By contrast, a batch pipeline is what you’d use if you have a nightly job with tens of millions of items to score. In that case, the typical pattern is to have a service listening for changes in a storage account and, some time after people drop new files into the proper folder, the batch inference process will pick up these files, score the results, and write those results out to a destination location.

This post is all about inference pipelines. The next post will be all about batch pipelines.

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New Azure Synapse Database Templates

Kevin Schofield has some new database templates for us:

The Synapse Database Template for Automotive Industries is a comprehensive data model that addresses the typical data requirements of organizations engaged in manufacturing automobiles, heavy vehicles, tires, and other automotive components.

The Synapse Database Template for Genomics is a comprehensive data model that addresses the typical data requirements of organizations engaged in acquiring and analyzing genomic data about human beings or other species.

Click through for more information on these, as well as two other fields.

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Logins and Users in SQL Server

Lee Markum disambiguates two security terms:

You’re a data professional learning about managing SQL Server and you’ve been asked to grant permissions for SQL Server to an individual or a group of individuals. What do you need to understand in order to accomplish this? I’ll be your guide to getting started with handling access to SQL Server.

Click through for the mandatory automobile analogy and a good way of laying out what logins and users are.

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Cannot Open User Default Database

David Alcock backs out of a problem:

This error isn’t to do with my login as such, it’s still there with sysadmin role membership so I don’t have to do anything too drastic like restarting SQL Server with the -m or -f startup parameters and recreate it. The error message is telling me that my logins default database cannot be opened, which is more than likely because I’ve deleted it.

Click through to see how David got out of this issue. This is a big part of why I highly prefer not to change the default database from master for logins..

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Getting IDs of Visuals using the Power BI Embedded Analytics Playground

Chris Webb meets us on the playground:

Log Analytics contains information on the dataset, report and visual that are associated with a DAX query but that information is in the form of IDs rather than names. Getting the IDs for specific datasets and reports is fairly straightforward – you can get them from urls in the Power BI Portal – and as I wrote here, it’s possible to get a list of IDs and names for the visuals in a report from the JSON file you get when you export from Performance Analyzer in Power BI Desktop. However, my colleague Rui Romano recently showed me a different way to get the same information using the Power BI Embedded Analytics Playgound, which may be an easier option to use in some cases.

Click through to learn more about the playground itself, as well as a way to convert visual names to their component IDs.

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Vim as an IDE

Andrew Pruski shares some settings:

Disclaimer – I like VS Code and I won’t be uninstalling it anytime soon and I’m not recommending people do.

However, I feel it can be overkill for 90% of the work that I do. So I’ve been playing around with Vim to see if it will give me what I want.

What I really want is a light weight text editor that allow me to run commands in a terminal…that’s it!

I’ve found that vim-markdown is one of those extensions Andrew mentions not having installed but being good.

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