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Automating Semantic Versioning with Azure DevOps

Dave Ruijter shows how you can use Azure DevOps to perform automatic semantic versioning:

I am a fan of using semantic versioning (a.k.a. SemVer) for data solutions, following the v1.0.0 pattern. It helps in the communication between team members and stakeholders, by limiting ambiguity and misunderstandings related to the version of your solution’s releases. With semantic versioning, the trick is to increment the version according to the changes you have made since the latest release. Manually keeping track of that is not an easy task, especially for small teams, without the capacity to have somebody dedicated to this administration task. I found a way to make this a lot easier, leaning on the Pull Request description! And as a bonus, we will create some nice release notes automatically

Click through to see what you need to have set up on your Azure DevOps subscription and a detailed walkthrough of how to set it up.