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Day: October 13, 2021

Building a D3 Visualization in R

The Jumping Rivers team show how to create a D3 visual in R:

D3.js, or just D3 as it’s more often referred to, is a JavaScript library used for creating interactive data visualisations optimised for the web. D3 stands for Data-Driven Documents. It is commonly used by those who enjoy making creative or otherwise unusual visualisations as it offers you a great deal of freedom as well as options for interactivity such as animated transitions and plot zooming.

Click through for the blog post and also check out the associated GitHub repo. D3 is an incredibly powerful framework, but is almost as complex as it is powerful.

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Repurposing Helpful Scripts

Deepthi Goguri re-shares some helpful scripts:

For the past couple of years as a DBA, I migrated several databases and used many handy scripts that helped me made my work easier. These scripts may be simple but if you have a migration project involving several SQL Servers with some hundreds of databases, test and production database migrations becomes tedious. I would like to share some of then here which you might already known them very well.

Click through for three scripts.

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Adding Debug Logic to T-SQL Procedures

Deborah Melkin does not take kindly to bugs:

I often find that I have to write complicated stored procedures where I need to check things as I go along. My go-to for using this snippet is when I write stored procedures that use dynamic SQL. You’d be surprised (or not) at how often I have had to do this over the years. There’s been functionality where the user gets to choose the columns being used, rewriting ORM data layer “catch-all” queries to improve performance, and cross database queries where the name of the database may not be the standard name (think development and QA databases living on the same SQL instance.)

Click through for an example of where the @Debug parameter pays off. My recollection was that, for really long NVARCHAR(MAX) strings, running PRINT by itself might cut off the code after ~4000 characters, but that could be a historical recollection.

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Short Query Store Queries

Mala Mahadevan has a few short-ish Query Store scripts for us:

I use Query Store a lot where I work – and I’d like to share queries I use on Query Store DMVs that I find incredibly useful.

My favorite is one below, which I use to see stored procedure duration. It comes with other information including plan id, start and end time – all of us help me see red flags right away if there is any query not performing as well as it should.

Click through for that script as well as two more.

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Performing a Restore to SQL Managed Instance

Arun Sirpal shows us how to perform a backup and restoration from an on-premises SQL Server to Azure SQL Managed Instance:

So in the last blog we confirmed that we could move to SQL MI via some analysis, this is now time to actually do a backup and restore via URLs to move data.

Quite simply you need to BACKUP to URL (Azure Storage container) and the setup requirement is that you need to create a SQL credential that holds the SAS token – this is what allows authentication to the container to take place. 

Click through for the process.

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Building a DBA Database

Andy Mallon wants a database all of his own:

I’ve written about my DBA Database quite a few times. Some of the code in that database is written recently, and some of it was originally written a decade ago. Regardless of how old it is, or how good of a DBA I was when I wrote it, these little scripts are life-savers, and they are always at my fingertips.

And Andy has made them available to your fingertips as well. And the rest of your hands, I suppose.

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