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Day: October 8, 2021

TensorFlow Fundamentals

Tanishka Garg starts a series on TensorFlow:

TensorFlow is an open-source end-to-end machine learning library. It is for preprocessing data, modeling data, and serving models (getting them into the hands of others).

It has a comprehensive, flexible ecosystem of tools, libraries, and community resources that lets researchers push the state-of-the-art in ML. And developers easily build and deploy ML-powered applications.

Read on for basic setup instructions and a primer on tensors.

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Dataclasses in Python

Evan Seabrook takes us through a Python library:

If you’re really lucky, there will be a docstring for this function that outlines the structure of the parameter user, saving you from having to dig through the function and identify the possible keys that exist in parameter user.

The problem here is twofold:

1. Dictionaries in python are mutable and can have arbitrary schemas. 

a. This in itself isn’t a problem and can be a good thing, depending on your needs. Its usage, however, is really only enabled by the quality of the second point, which is:

2. You must rely on the documentation to know the structure, and the documentation must stay updated as the structure evolves.

Read on to see how the dataclass library can create a wrapper around dictionary objects.

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Time Series Insights in Azure

Aveek Das explains the notion of Azure Time Series Insights:

In this article, we are going to learn in detail about Azure Time Series Insights. Microsoft Azure is one of the leading cloud providers these days. With a lot of companies adopting or migrating to the cloud these days, it has become a usual trend to convert existing technologies into cloud-based services and consume them. This not only helps the companies to reduce their cost but also in turn allows them to focus on more business-related problems rather than concentrating on infrastructure costs.

Azure Time Series Insights is one of the cloud services that users can use to integrate with their data that is constantly changing with time such as data from various sensors or machines, data from satellites, airlines etc. Any data that can be generated on a high scale and needs to be analysed, can be used through Azure Time Series Insights. In this article, we will focus on a high-level introduction of this service along with some use cases in detail.

Read on for the article.

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Foreign Keys and Delete Operations

Kenneth Fisher takes us through a case of deleting rows:

Deleting rows from a table is a pretty simple task right? Not always. Foreign keys, while providing a ton of benefits, do make deletes a bit more complicated.

Click through for an example of this, as well as a quick discussion of cascading deletes, which sound really useful until you make a big mistake. The other problem with cascading deletes is, even if you do intend to delete everything noted, the process is a lot slower than what you can do in batches, and you’re liable to increase the size of your transaction log file to boot.

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Compatibility Mode and Upgrades

Tom Collins explains how database compatibility mode may be a way to reduce the risk of a SQL Server version upgrade:

Microsoft’s recommended SQL Server upgrade  workflow is to upgrade to the latest SQL Server but keep the source DB compatibility level, assess the workload impact via establishing a baseline and based on testing move the compatibility level  to the latest. 

Upon creation of a new user database – the create  database sets the compatibility level at the default compatibility level of the SQL Server. Keep in mind – if the model database level is set lower than the create database will set the compatibility level based on the model db

You can also change the database compatibility level at any time

Read on for more information about compatibility mode and some inbuilt guard rails around upgrades. Those guard rails aren’t perfect by any means, but over the past couple of editions, we’ve seen a fair amount of movement toward this ideal of compatibility mode being a guarantee of behavior between versions.

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Using the Power BI REST API for DAX Queries

Gilbert Quevauvilliers writes some Powershell:

In this blog post I am going to show you how to use PowerShell to run a DAX query from my dataset, and then store the results in a CSV file.

I will also include the PowerShell code!

I really liked the awesome blog post by Kay on the Power BI Team which you can find here: Announcing the public preview of Power BI REST API support for DAX Queries

Read on to see what prep work you need to do, as well as the scripts needed to pull this off.

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Azure Data Studio Code Editor Tricks and Tips

Kendra Little reviews a tips and tricks guide:

Today I walked through the Use Azure Data Studio to connect and query Azure SQL database Quickstart. This Quickstart is solid and is great for someone new to Azure Data Studio.

At the end of the Quickstart it suggested I try the Tutorial: Use the Transact-SQL editor to create database objects – Azure Data Studio. The tutorial taught me a couple of things that I’ve not noticed about Azure Data Studio, even though I’ve used it for a couple of years.

Read on to see what Kendra learned.

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