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A Stored Procedure to Check for Agent Job Completion

Brian Hansen has a stored procedure which can help you synchronize those asynchronous SQL Agent job calls:

This is a stored procedure that I have found useful in a number of circumstances. It came into being because there are times that I need to run a job via T-SQL and wait for it to complete before continuing the script. The problem is that sp_start_job does just what it says: it starts the job and then immediately continues. There is no option to wait for it to finish.

I needed some way to pause script execution pending the completion (hopefully successfully) of the job.

One important note: this procedure using the undocumented xp_sqlagent_enum_jobs system procedure. While this has been around for ages, it is unsupported. I get why may bother some, but this procedure is the only way that I know of to reliably determine the current run status of a job.

Read on to learn more about the procedure and grab a copy.