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Power BI Column Concatenation

Alexander Arvidsson shows how we can concatenate columns in Power BI using DAX:

Finally we can tackle the last hurdle – the column that shows both the current number of certifications and the requested goal. Had this been Excel it would have been dead easy – we just create a new cell that concatenates two other cells like this:

Then we copy the formula to all the rows. Easy. But this is not Excel. The “goal” part is simple – that’s just another column. The trick is to count all the other rows in the table with the same key. Let’s add the key column to the table so we see what we’re working with. “CompKey” is the concatenated key we created in the previous blog post. “Number of certs” is a count of the rows in the table, and because of row context it gets evaluated per key.

Read on for the solution.