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The Benefits Of DML Triggers

Kendra Little tells us a tale of trigger value:

When I first edged my way into a Junior DBA-ish role, I worked with a complex application with many large databases. Customers loaded and configured data into a (mostly) OLTP style database, and then database was replicated to multiple other systems — some to publish data to and adserving platform, and some to transform the data for reporting.

Triggers were used extensively in these downstream systems to detect changes. It went like this:

  • Transactional replication publications were set up on the OLTP  (ish) database.

  • Transactional replication subscriptions were set up on each downstream server. A dedicated database was used for replication articles on each instance.

  • After replication was initialized, DML triggers were created on each article in the subscriber database. For each modification, the trigger would insert a narrow row into a “delta” table related to that article.

  • The “delta” tables were in their own schema, and contained row identifiers, timestamp columns, and custom indexes for processing. This enabled batches to be efficiently pulled from these tables for processing into the related system.

  • Cleanup processes periodically pulled processed rows out of the delta tables in the background (and indexes were designed to prevent the cleanup process from fighting with data processing jobs and inserts)

Read the whole thing.  There are some things that triggers can do easily which would be difficult to handle otherwise, but they can also be dangerous in the wrong hands.