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Category: Python

Examples Of Charts In Different Languages

David Smith points out a great repository of information on generating different types of charts in different libraries:

The visualization tools include applications like Excel, Power BI and Tableau; languages and libraries including R, Stata, and Python’s matplotlib); and frameworks like D3. The data visualizations range from the standard to the esoteric, and follow the taxonomy of the book Data Visualisation (also by Andy Kirk). The chart categories are color coded by row: categorical (including bar charts, dot plots); hierarchical (donut charts, treemaps); relational (scatterplots, sankey diagrams); temporal (line charts, stream graphs) and spatial (choropleths, cartograms).

Check out the Chartmaker Directory.

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Performing Linear Regression With Power BI

Jason Cantrell shows how to create a simple linear regression in Power BI:

Linear Regression is a very useful statistical tool that helps us understand the relationship between variables and the effects they have on each other. It can be used across many industries in a variety of ways – from spurring value to gaining customer insight – to benefit business.

The Simple Linear Regression model allows us to summarize and examine relationships between two variables. It uses a single independent variable and a single dependent variable and finds a linear function that predicts the dependent variable values as a function of the independent variables.

If you want real linear regression, drop in an R or Python script.

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Naive Bayes In Python

Kislay Keshari explains the Naive Bayes algorithm and shows an implementation in Python:

Naive Bayes in the Industry

Now that you have an idea of what exactly Naive Bayes is and how it works, let’s see where it is used in the industry.

RSS Feeds

Our first industrial use case is News Categorization, or we can use the term ‘text classification’ to broaden the spectrum of this algorithm. News on the web is rapidly growing where each news site has its own different layout and categorization for grouping news. Companies use a web crawler to extract useful text from HTML pages of news articles to construct a Full Text RSS. The contents of each news article is tokenized (categorized). In order to achieve better classification results, we remove the less significant words, i.e. stop, from the document. We apply the naive Bayes classifier for classification of news content based on news code.

It’s a good overview of the topic and a particular implementation in Python.  Naive Bayes is a technique which you want in the bag:  there are a lot of techniques which tend to be better in specific domains, but Naive Bayes is easy to implement and usually provides acceptable performance.

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A Geometric Depiction Of Covariance

Nikolai Janakiev explains the concept of the covariance matrix using a bit of Python and some graphs:

In this article we saw the relationship of the covariance matrix with linear transformation which is an important building block for understanding and using PCASVD, the Bayes Classifier, the Mahalanobis distance and other topics in statistics and pattern recognition. I found the covariance matrix to be a helpful cornerstone in the understanding of the many concepts and methods in pattern recognition and statistics.

Many of the matrix identities can be found in The Matrix Cookbook. The relationship between SVD, PCA and the covariance matrix are elegantly shown in this question.

Understanding covariance is critical for a number of statistical techniques, and this is a good way of describing it.

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Combining Apache Kafka With TensorFlow

Kai Waehner has an example of an application which uses Apache Kafka to stream car sensor data to TensorFlow on Google ML Engine:

A great benefit of Confluent MQTT Proxy is simplicity for realizing IoT scenarios without the need for a MQTT Broker. You can forward messages directly from the MQTT devices to Kafka via the MQTT Proxy. This reduces efforts and costs significantly. This is a perfect solution if you “just” want to communicate between Kafka and MQTT devices.

If you want to see the other part of the story (integration with sink applications like Elasticsearch / Grafana), please take a look at the Github project “KSQL for streaming IoT data“. This realizes the integration with ElasticSearch and Grafana via Kafka Connect and the Elastic connector.

Check it out and then take a gander at Kai’s GitHub repo.

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Exploratory Time Series Analysis

The authors at Knoyd have a post on exploratory data analysis of a time series data set:

From the plot above we can clearly see that time-series has strong seasonal and trend components. To estimate the trend component we can use a function from the pandas library called rolling_mean and plot the results. If we want to make the plot more fancy and reusable for another time-series it is a good idea to make a function. We can call this function plot_moving_average.

The second part of the series promises to use Box-Jenkins to forecast future values.

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Implementing K Nearest Neighbors In Python

Atul Harsha gives us a demo on k nearest neighbors in Python:

In order to make any predictions, you have to calculate the distance between the new point and the existing points, as you will be needing k closest points.

In this case for calculating the distance, we will use the Euclidean distance. This is defined as the square root of the sum of the squared differences between the two arrays of numbers

Specifically, we need only first 4 attributes(features) for distance calculation as the last attribute is a class label. So for one of the approach is to limit the Euclidean distance to a fixed length, thereby ignoring the final dimension.

Check it out.

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Building TensorFlow Neural Networks On Spark With Keras

Jules Damji has an example of using the PyCharm IDE to use Keras to build TensorFlow neural network models on the Databricks MLflow library:

Our example in the video is a simple Keras network, modified from Keras Model Examples, that creates a simple multi-layer binary classification model with a couple of hidden and dropout layers and respective activation functions. Binary classification is a common machine learning task applied widely to classify images or text into two classes. For example, an image is a cat or dog; or a tweet is positive or negative in sentiment; and whether mail is spam or not spam.

But the point here is not so much to demonstrate a complex neural network model as to show the ease with which you can develop with Keras and TensorFlow, log an MLflow run, and experiment—all within PyCharm on your laptop.

Click through for the video and explanation of the process.

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Executing ML Services Scripts From Jupyter Notebooks

Kyle Weller has an inception moment with Python and SQL Server Machine Learning Services:

While this example is trivial with the Iris dataset, imagine the additional scale, performance, and security capabilities that you now unlocked. You can use any of the latest open source R/Python packages to build Deep Learning and AI applications on large amounts of data in SQL Server. We also offer leading edge, high-performance algorithms in Microsoft’s RevoScaleR and RevoScalePy APIs. Using these with the latest innovations in the open source world allows you to bring unparalleled selection, performance, and scale to your applications.

Normally I see examples come straight from SQL Server or maybe C#, but it’s a bit fun to see one originate in Python on order to execute Python in SQL Server.

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