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Importing SQL Server Extended Properties into Azure Purview

Daniel Janik shows how you can use PyApacheAtlas to move specific SQL Server extended properties into Azure Purview:

This post is going to be restricted to only SQL Server Table Columns and only Extended Properties named MS_Description. Quite a few years ago I worked on a data catalog project where we added descriptions for many of the tables, views, and columns to the database using extended properties named MS_Description. Let’s assume you have some of these for this post keeping in mind that the Purview APIs provide so many functions beyond what this post covers and that the code here could be modified to do so much more as well.

Starting out I thought it would be great to import the sensitivity classifications that SSMS creates. Pre-SQL 2019 these were held in Extended Properties and now have their very own DMV (sys.sensitivity_classifications). While this sounded great in theory it wasn’t as exciting when I wrote the code. This is because Azure Purview already has system classifications at a more granular scale for each of the ones you find in SSMS and Purview also adds these as it executes a scan on the data source. It does a pretty good job too. With that said, I shifted my focus to adding descriptions instead.

Read on to see how you can do this.