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Category: Hadoop

Metacat: Federated Metadata Discovery

Ajoy Majumdar and Zhen Li walk us through Metacat:

The core architecture of the big data platform at Netflix involves three key services. These are the execution service (Genie), the metadata service, and the event service. These ideas are not unique to Netflix, but rather a reflection of the architecture that we felt would be necessary to build a system not only for the present, but for the future scale of our data infrastructure.

Many years back, when we started building the platform, we adopted Pig as our ETL language and Hive as our ad-hoc querying language. Since Pig did not natively have a metadata system, it seemed ideal for us to build one that could interoperate between both.

Thus Metacat was born, a system that acts as a federated metadata access layer for all data stores we support. A centralized service that our various compute engines could use to access the different data sets. In general, Metacat serves three main objectives:

  • Federated views of metadata systems
  • Unified API for metadata about datasets
  • Arbitrary business and user metadata storage of datasets

It is worth noting that other companies that have large and distributed data sets also have similar challenges. Apache Atlas, Twitter’s Data Abstraction Layer and Linkedin’s WhereHows (Data Discovery at Linkedin), to name a few, are built to tackle similar problems, but in the context of the respective architectural choices of the companies.

If you’re interested, also check out their GitHub repo.

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Understanding A Spark Streaming Workflow

Himanshu Gupta continues a series on structured streaming using Spark Streaming:

Here we can clearly see that if new data is pushed to the source, Spark will run the “incremental” query that combines the previous running counts with the new data to compute updated counts. The “Input Table” here is the lines DataFrame which acts as a streaming input for wordCounts DataFrame.

Now, the only unknown thing in the above diagram is “Complete Mode“. It is nothing but one of the 3 output modes available in Structured Streaming. Since they are an important part of Structured Streaming, so, let’s read about them in detail:

  1. Complete Mode – This mode updates the entire Result Table which is eventually written to the sink.

  2. Append Mode – In this mode, only the new rows are appended in the Result Table and eventually sent to the sink.

  3. Update Mode – At last, this mode updates only the rows that are changed in the Result Table since the last trigger. Also, only the new rows are sent to the sink. There is one peculiar thing to note about this mode, i.e., it is different from the Complete Mode in the way that this mode only outputs the rows that have changed since the last trigger. If the query doesn’t contain any aggregations, it is equivalent to the Append mode.

Check it out.

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Calculating TF-IDF Using Apache Spark

Arseniy Tashoyan shows us how to calculate Term Frequency-Inverse Document Frequency using Apache Spark:

TF-IDF is used in a large variety of applications. Typical use cases include:

  • Document search.
  • Document tagging.
  • Text preprocessing and feature vector engineering for Machine Learning algorithms.

There is a vast number of resources on the web explaining the concept itself and the calculation algorithm. This article does not repeat the information in these other Internet resources, it just illustrates TF-IDF calculation with help of Apache Spark. Emml Asimadi, in his excellent article Understanding TF-IDF, shares an approach based on the old Spark RDD and the Python language. This article, on the other hand, uses the modern Spark SQL API and Scala language.

Although Spark MLlib has an API to calculate TF-IDF, this API is not convenient to learn the concept. MLlib tools are intended to generate feature vectors for ML algorithms. There is no way to figure out the weight for a particular term in a particular document. Well, let’s make it from scratch, this will sharpen our skills.

Read on for the solution.  It seems that there tend to be better options today than TF-IDF for natural language problems, but it’s an easy algorithm to understand, so it’s useful as a first go.

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Running Hive LLAP As A YARN Service

Gour Saha, et al, demonstrate running Apache Hive LLAP as a YARN service:

Making LLAP as a first-class YARN service also enables us to use some of the other powerful features in YARN that were added in Apache Hadoop 3.0 / 3.1, some of them are noted below.

  1. Advanced container placement scheduling such as affinity and anti-affinity. What Slider used to handle in a custom way is now a core first-class feature (YARN-6592).

  2. Rich APIs for users to fetch/query application details using Timeline Service V2 (YARN-2928 and YARN-5355).

  3. New and improved Services UI in YARN UI2 improving debuggability and log access.

  4. Continuous rolling log aggregation of long running containers (YARN-2443).

  5. Auto-restart of containers by NodeManagers (YARN-4725).

  6. Windowing and threshold based container health monitor (YARN-8122).

  7. In the future, we can also leverage YARN level rolling upgrades for containers and the service as a whole (YARN-7512 and YARN-4726).

Looks like it’s been a fruitful transition.

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Flattening JSON Data With Databricks

Ivan Vazharov gives us a Databricks notebook to parse and flatten JSON using PySpark:

With Databricks you get:

  • An easy way to infer the JSON schema and avoid creating it manually
  • Subtle changes in the JSON schema won’t break things
  • The ability to explode nested lists into rows in a very easy way (see the Notebook below)
  • Speed!

Following is an example Databricks Notebook (Python) demonstrating the above claims. The JSON sample consists of an imaginary JSON result set, which contains a list of car models within a list of car vendors within a list of people. We want to flatten this result into a dataframe.

Click through for the notebook.

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Apache Pulsar 2.0 Released

George Leopold reports on a new version of Apache Pulsar:

The startup’s Apache Pulsar 2.0 released on Wednesday (June 6) adds new functionality designed to move data users “beyond batch” processing. Among them is a “stream-native” processing capability called Pulsar Functions designed to apply analytics to data as its flows through the Pulsar platform. Processing functions can be written in either Java or Python, the company said.

Debuted earlier this year as a preview feature, Streamlio announced general availability of Functions this week as part of its 2.0 release.

Another is a Pulsar enhancement developed in conjunction with Apache Bookkeeper, a scalable storage system. Streamlio said the new features, called Topic Compaction, delivers streaming data storage designed to improve the performance of applications consuming data from Pulsar. It serves as a “broker” that builds a snapshot of the latest value for each topic key, the startup said.

Read the whole thing.

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Updating Hive Tables

Carter Shanklin gives us a few patterns for updating tables in Hive:

Historically, keeping data up-to-date in Apache Hive required custom application development that is complex, non-performant, and difficult to maintain. HDP 2.6 radically simplifies data maintenance with the introduction of SQL MERGE in Hive, complementing existing INSERT, UPDATE, and DELETE capabilities.

This article shows how to solve common data management problems, including:

  • Hive upserts, to synchronize Hive data with a source RDBMS.

  • Update the partition where data lives in Hive.

  • Selectively mask or purge data in Hive.

This isn’t the Hive of 2013; it’s much closer to a real-time warehouse.

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Event Hub Performance Tips

Vincent-Philippe Lauzon has a few tips for improving Azure Event Hub performance:

Here are some recommendations in the light of the performance and throughput results:

  • If we send many events:  always reuse connections, i.e. do not create a connection only for one event.  This is valid for both AMQP and HTTP.  A simple Connection Pool pattern makes this easy.
  • If we send many events & throughput is a concern:  use AMQP.
  • If we send few events and latency is a concern:  use HTTP / REST.
  • If events naturally comes in batch of many events:  use batch API.
  • If events do not naturally comes in batch of many events:  simply stream events.  Do not try to batch them unless network IO is constrained.
  • If a latency of 0.1 seconds is a concern:  move the call to Event Hubs away from your critical performance path.

Let’s now look at the tests we did to come up with those recommendations.

Read the whole thing.

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Databricks MLflow

Matai Zaharia announces a new Databricks offering:

MLflow is inspired by existing ML platforms, but it is designed to be open in two senses:

  1. Open interface: MLflow is designed to work with any ML library, algorithm, deployment tool or language. It’s built around REST APIs and simple data formats (e.g., a model can be viewed as a lambda function) that can be used from a variety of tools, instead of only providing a small set of built-in functionality. This also makes it easy to add MLflow to your existing ML code so you can benefit from it immediately, and to share code using any ML library that others in your organization can run.
  2. Open source: We’re releasing MLflow as an open source project that users and library developers can extend. In addition, MLflow’s open format makes it very easy to share workflow steps and models across organizations if you wish to open source your code.

Mlflow is still currently in alpha, but we believe that it already offers a useful framework to work with ML code, and we would love to hear your feedback. In this post, we’ll introduce MLflow in detail and explain its components.

Even in alpha, it looks nice.

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Using Kafka To Go From Batch To Stream

Stephane Maarek has started a series on transforming a batch process into a streaming process using Apache Kafka.  Part one introduces the topic and two of the four microservices:

Before jumping straight in, it’s very important to map out the current process and see how we can improve each component. Below are my personal assumptions:

  • When a user writes a review, it gets POSTed to a Web Service (REST Endpoint), which will store that review into some kind of database table.

  • Every 24 hours, a batch job (could be Spark) would take all the new reviews and apply a spam filter to filter fraudulent reviews from legitimate ones.

  • New valid reviews are published to another database table (which contains all the historic valid reviews).

  • Another batch job or a SQL query computes new stats for courses. Stats include all-time average rating, all-time count of reviews, 90 days average rating, and 90 days count of reviews.

  • The website displays these metrics through a REST API when the user navigates a website.

Part two finishes up the story:

In the previous section, we learned about the early concepts of Kafka Streams, to take a stream and split it in two based on a spam evaluation function. Now, we need to perform some stateful computations such as aggregations, windowing in order to compute statistics on our stream of reviews.

Thankfully we can use some pre-defined operators in the High-Level DSL that will transform a KStream into a KTable. A KTable is basically a table that gets new events every time a new element arrives in the upstream KStream. The KTable then has some level of logic to update itself. Any KTable updates can then be forwarded downstream. For a quick overview of KStream and KTable, I recommend the quickstart on the Kafka website.

This is a nice introduction to Kafka Streams using a realistic example.

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