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Calculating TF-IDF Using Apache Spark

Arseniy Tashoyan shows us how to calculate Term Frequency-Inverse Document Frequency using Apache Spark:

TF-IDF is used in a large variety of applications. Typical use cases include:

  • Document search.
  • Document tagging.
  • Text preprocessing and feature vector engineering for Machine Learning algorithms.

There is a vast number of resources on the web explaining the concept itself and the calculation algorithm. This article does not repeat the information in these other Internet resources, it just illustrates TF-IDF calculation with help of Apache Spark. Emml Asimadi, in his excellent article Understanding TF-IDF, shares an approach based on the old Spark RDD and the Python language. This article, on the other hand, uses the modern Spark SQL API and Scala language.

Although Spark MLlib has an API to calculate TF-IDF, this API is not convenient to learn the concept. MLlib tools are intended to generate feature vectors for ML algorithms. There is no way to figure out the weight for a particular term in a particular document. Well, let’s make it from scratch, this will sharpen our skills.

Read on for the solution.  It seems that there tend to be better options today than TF-IDF for natural language problems, but it’s an easy algorithm to understand, so it’s useful as a first go.