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Event Hub Performance Tips

Vincent-Philippe Lauzon has a few tips for improving Azure Event Hub performance:

Here are some recommendations in the light of the performance and throughput results:

  • If we send many events:  always reuse connections, i.e. do not create a connection only for one event.  This is valid for both AMQP and HTTP.  A simple Connection Pool pattern makes this easy.
  • If we send many events & throughput is a concern:  use AMQP.
  • If we send few events and latency is a concern:  use HTTP / REST.
  • If events naturally comes in batch of many events:  use batch API.
  • If events do not naturally comes in batch of many events:  simply stream events.  Do not try to batch them unless network IO is constrained.
  • If a latency of 0.1 seconds is a concern:  move the call to Event Hubs away from your critical performance path.

Let’s now look at the tests we did to come up with those recommendations.

Read the whole thing.