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Category: Hadoop

How Qubole Optimizes Apache Spark Clusters

Mikhail Stolpner gives us some tips on how to optimize Apache Spark clusters:

There are four major resources: memory, compute (CPU), disk, and network. Memory and compute are by far the most expensive. Understanding how much compute and memory your application requires is crucial for optimization.

You can configure how much memory and how many CPUs each executor gets. While the number of CPUs for each task is fixed, executor memory is shared between the tasks processed by a single executor.

A few key parameters provide the most impact on how Spark is executed in terms of resources: spark.executor.memoryspark.executor.coresspark.task.cpus, spark.executor.instances, and spark.qubole.max.executors.

This article gives us some idea of the levers we have available as well as when to pull them.  Though the article itself is vendor-specific, a lot of the advice is general.

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RStudio Integration With Databricks

Brian Dirking, et al, announce support between RStudio and the Databricks platform:

With Databricks RStudio Integration, both popular R packages for interacting with Apache Spark, SparkR or sparklyr can be used the inside the RStudio IDE on Databricks. When multiple users use a cluster, each creates a separate SparkR Context or sparklyr connection, but they are all talking to a single Databricks managed Spark application allowing unique opportunities for collaboration between users. Together, RStudio can take advantage of Databricks’ cluster management and Apache Spark to perform such as a massive model selection as noted in the figure below.

I like seeing this level of integration, especially from a language like R, which has historically been limited to operating on a single machine’s memory.

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Auto-Scaling Amazon ElasticMapReduce

Brandon Schller gives us some tips on sizing and scaling ElasticMapReduce:

EMR scaling is more complex than simply adding or removing nodes from the cluster. One common misconception is that scaling in Amazon EMR works exactly like Amazon EC2 scaling. With EC2 scaling, you can add/remove nodes almost instantly and without worry, but EMR has more complexity to it, especially when scaling a cluster down. This is because important data or jobs could be running on your nodes.

To prevent data loss, Amazon EMR scaling ensures that your node has no running Apache Hadoop tasks or unique data that could be lost before removing your node. It is worth considering this decommissioning delay when resizing your EMR cluster. By understanding and accounting for how this process works, you can avoid issues that have plagued others, such as slow cluster resizes and inefficient automatic scaling policies.

If you’re using EMR today or think you might use it in the future, you should read this.

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Backing Up Azure Data Lake Store Data

Hugo Almeida has some hints for backing up Azure Data Lake Store data using Azure Data Factory:

Our Hadoop HDP IaaS cluster on Azure uses Azure Data Lake Store (ADLS) for data repository and accesses it through an applicational user created on Azure Active Directory (AAD). Check this tutorial if you want to connect your own Hadoop to ADLS.

Our ADLS is getting bigger and we’re working on a backup strategy for it. ADLS provides locally-redundant storage (LRS), however, this does not prevent our application from corrupting data or accidentally deleting it. Since Microsoft hasn’t published a new version of ADLS with a clone feature we had to find a way to backup all the data stored in our data lake.

We’re going to show you How to do a full ADLS backup with Azure Data Factory (ADF). ADF does not preserve permissions. However, our Hadoop client can only access the AzureDataLakeStoreFilesystem (adl) through hive with a “hive” user and we can generate these permissions before the backup.

Read the whole thing if you’re thinking of using Azure Data Lake Store.

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Enriching Syslog Data In A Kafka Pipeline

Robin Moffatt continues his syslog processing series with Kafka and KSQL:

In this article we’re going to conclude our fun with syslog data by looking at how we can enrich inbound streams of syslog data with reference information from elsewhere to produce a real-time enriched data stream. The syslog data in this example comes from various servers and network devices, and the additional information with which we’re going to enrich it is from MongoDB, which happens to be the datastore used by Ubiquiti network devices. With the enriched data we’re going to drive some real-time analytics through Elasticsearch and Kibana, as well as trigger push notifications based on activity of certain devices on the network.

I’ve enjoyed this series—it was a full, end-to-end look at a realistic business problem in Kafka Streams.  If you want to get started with Kafka Streams, I’d be hard-pressed to find a better example.

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Taxi Cab Data On sqlite And Parquet

Mark Litwintschik loads the 1.1 billion rows of New York City taxi data into a SQLite database using data stored on Parquet-formatted files living on HDFS:

The dataset used in this benchmark has 1.1 billion records, 51 columns and is 500 GB in size when in uncompressed CSV format. Instructions on producing the dataset can be found in my Billion Taxi Rides in Redshift blog post. The CSV files were converted into Parquet format using Hive and Snappy compression on an AWS EMR cluster. The conversion resulted in 56 Parquet files which take up 105 GB of space.

Where decompression is I/O or network bound it makes sense to keep the compressed data as compact as possible. That being said, there are cases where decompression is compute bound and compression schemes like Snappy play a useful role in lowering the overhead.

I’ve downloaded the Parquet files to my local file system and imported them onto HDFS. Since this is all running on a single SSD drive I’ve set the HDFS replication factor to 1.

It’s not the fastest result I’ve seen from Mark’s work, but I was impressed that SQLite could take that abuse.

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Confluent Hub: A Central Repo For Kafka Connect

Tim Berglund announces Confluent Hub:

Connect has been an integral part of Apache Kafka since version 0.9, released late 2015. It has proved to be an effective framework for streaming data in and out of Kafka from nearby systems like relational databases, Amazon S3, HDFS clusters, and even nonstandard legacy systems that typically show themselves in the enterprise. Connect is an API on which the connectors themselves are built, plus a run-time framework that runs them in a scalable, fault-tolerant way. The intent was for the community to provide its own connectors to plug into this framework and do the work of data integration while saving everyone a bunch of unrewarding coding that was near-boilerplate and didn’t add a lot of differentiated value to the business.

So where would those connectors live? Well, GitHub, for starters. At the time of this writing, there were 660 repositories matching the search phrase “Kafka Connect” on the popular hosting service, all in various stages of repair and levels of maintenance. Beyond those, Confluent’s popular Connectors page has proven to be one of the best ways to find connectors, some of which are supported by Confluent, and others of which have robust community support behind them. The Connectors page lists for each entry the type of connector, the developer, a few tags, and how you could obtain the code—but that’s really all it did. You still had to go find the released JARs for the connector, download them, and know how to install them properly. And if there were no released JARs available, you had to clone the repository, figure out how to run the build, and then install the JARs into your own Kafka Connect installation. Maybe not rocket science, but we all know it’s never as simple as it sounds. And besides, this was just connectors—no transformations or converters were available on this page.

We knew there was a better way. We wanted something that was easier to use, would avoid you having to building a connector from source every time you wanted an update (and learning a new build tool every now and then), and would be built on top of a meaningful and functional discovery mechanism. And most importantly, we wanted to avoid the pitfalls of manually moving JARs around and having to debug why Connect didn’t find them.

This looks like a good addition to the Kafka ecosystem.

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Tuning Spark Jobs Running On YARN

Anubhav Tarar shows us ways of optimizing YARN to run Apache Spark jobs:

1. yarn-client mode:  In client mode, the driver runs in the client process, and the application master is only used for requesting resources from YARN. To manage the memory first make sure that you have your yarn-site.xml in spark,

  • To increase the memory you should set property in spark-defaults.conf but make sure that you do not allocate more memory than capacity of node manager which is defined in yarn-site.xml as yarn.nodemanager.resource.memory-mb or you can also give it when you are running spark submit with –conf parameter

For example $SPARK_HOME/bin/spark-submit –conf

Check it out for a few other configuration settings you can tweak.

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YARN Fundamentals

Anushree Subramaniam gives us a primer on Apache YARN, the resource manager which drives Hadoop:

In Hadoop version 1.0 which is also referred to as MRV1(MapReduce Version 1), MapReduce performed both processing and resource management functions. It consisted of a Job Tracker which was the single master. The Job Tracker allocated the resources, performed scheduling and monitored the processing jobs. It assigned map and reduce tasks on a number of subordinate processes called the Task Trackers. The Task Trackers periodically reported their progress to the Job Tracker.

This design resulted in scalability bottleneck due to a single Job Tracker. IBM mentioned in its article that according to Yahoo!, the practical limits of such a design are reached with a cluster of 5000 nodes and 40,000 tasks running concurrently. Apart from this limitation, the utilization of computational resources is inefficient in MRV1. Also, the Hadoop framework became limited only to MapReduce processing paradigm.

To overcome all these issues, YARN was introduced in Hadoop version 2.0 in the year 2012 by Yahoo and Hortonworks. The basic idea behind YARN is to relieve MapReduce by taking over the responsibility of Resource Management and Job Scheduling. YARN started to give Hadoop the ability to run non-MapReduce jobs within the Hadoop framework.

There’s a lot of depth to YARN.

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HDP 3.0 Released

Roni Fontaine and Saumitra Buragohain announce Hortonworks Data Platform version 3.0:

Other additional capabilities include:

  • Scalability and availability with NameNode federation, allowing customers to scale to thousands of nodes and a billion files. Higher availability with multiple name nodes and standby capabilities allow for the undisrupted, continuous cluster operations if a namenode goes down.

  • Lower total cost of ownership with erasure coding, providing a data protection method that up to this point has mostly been found in object stores. Hadoop 3 will no longer default to storing three full copies of each piece of data across its clusters. Instead of that 3x hit on storage, the erasure encoding method in Hadoop 3 will incur an overhead of 1.5x while maintaining the same level of data recoverability from disk failure. The end result will be a 50% savings in storage overhead, reducing it by half.

  • Real-time database, delivering improved query optimization to process more data at a faster rate by eliminating the performance gap between low-latency and high-throughput workloads. Enabled via Apache Hive 3.0, HDP 3.0 offers the only unified SQL solution that can seamlessly combine real-time & historical data, making both available for deep SQL analytics. New features such as                workload management enable fine grained resource allocation so no need to worry about resource competition. Materialized views pre-computes and caches the intermediate tables into views where the query optimizer will automatically leverage the pre-computed cache, drastically improve performance. The end result is faster time to insights.

  • Data science performance improvements around Apache Spark and Apache Hive integration. HDP 3.0 provides seamless Spark integration to the cloud. And containerized TensorFlow technical preview combined with GPU pooling delivers a deep learning framework that makes deep learning faster and easier.

Looks like it’s invite-only at the moment, but that should change pretty soon.  It also looks like I’ve got a new weekend project…

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