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Enriching Syslog Data In A Kafka Pipeline

Robin Moffatt continues his syslog processing series with Kafka and KSQL:

In this article we’re going to conclude our fun with syslog data by looking at how we can enrich inbound streams of syslog data with reference information from elsewhere to produce a real-time enriched data stream. The syslog data in this example comes from various servers and network devices, and the additional information with which we’re going to enrich it is from MongoDB, which happens to be the datastore used by Ubiquiti network devices. With the enriched data we’re going to drive some real-time analytics through Elasticsearch and Kibana, as well as trigger push notifications based on activity of certain devices on the network.

I’ve enjoyed this series—it was a full, end-to-end look at a realistic business problem in Kafka Streams.  If you want to get started with Kafka Streams, I’d be hard-pressed to find a better example.